Computer Systems for Construction Materials Management
Materials management computer systems store, sort, combine and print data files pertaining to materials requisitions, purchase orders, vendor evaluations, and warehouse inventories. The...
SIMSUPER5: Tunneling Construction Simulation
This paper presents SIMSUPER5 (SIMulation SUPERvisor version 5) a computer program developed to simulate the tunnel construction process under conditions of uncertainty. The program determines...
Computerized Construction Cost Estimating in County Government
Prior to establishment of a computerized contruction cost estimating system, four engineering divisions within the Department of Public Works in Fairfax County, Virginia, performed some...
Observations on Future Computerized Construction Research
A National Science Foundation sponsored workshop recently convened at the University of Illinois to help construction industry professionals determine the research needs and opportunities...
Army Life Cycle/Maintenance Prediction Model
The U. S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) has developed a facility maintenance prediction model for the Department of the Army. This simulation model will...
Subdivider: Advanced Subdivision Design with the IBM-PC
SUBDIVIDER is an IBM-PC program which aids engineers in the process of dividing tracts of land into lots, streets, and building floor plans. It can be used for the design of traditional...
Microcomputer Implementation of Geographic Information Systems
With the more recent development of high performance microcomputers, efforts have been made to adapt. Information Systems (GIS) software to microcomputers for application to a wide variety...
Coordination of Interconnected Arterial Traffic Signals
Present analytical methods and computer programs offer capabilities of optimizing the traffic signal coordination for a series of signalized intersections. Recently, transportation research...
Mainframe to Micro Conversions?The HEC'S Experience
This paper describes the experience of the HEC in adapting, on a large scale, mainframe computer programs for the micro computer user. The paper addresses the technical issues involved...
Implementing Large Fortran Programs on the IBM PC: A National Weather Service Case Study
The paper discusses the effort required to implement a group of National Weather Service (NWS) programs - DAMBRK, BREACH, DWOPER, & NETWORK on the IBM PC, using currently available...
Endangerment Assessment in a Multilayered Aquifer Using a Microcomputer Based Transport Model
An endangerment assessment describes the types and degrees of potential hazards to public health, welfare, or the environment that may result from the release of hazardous substances into...
Estuarine Hydrodynamic Modeling on MicroComputers
The program for a two dimensional finite difference estuarine model was adapted for use on a modified IBM-PC/XT microcomputer. Commercially available hardware and supporting software were...
Knowledge Bases for Multistory Concrete Buildings
Heuristics are used in the concrete building industry. A knowledge base is developed with heuristics used in the selection of the floor framing system of a concrete building....
Expert System for Risk Assessment of Concrete Dams
An expert system is presented that will assist a field inspector, during the site investigation of an existing concrete dam, to perform a preliminary structural risk assessment of the...
MAIDService: An Engineering Expert System Tool
A general purpose software tool (or inference engine), called MAIDService, for use in creating artificial intelligence expert diagnostic systems is described. Syntax, development cycle,...
Expert Systems for Dynamic Analysis Interpretation
Recent developments in expert systems technology have enabled expertise to be represented within a computer solution. This technology has allowed for the development of 'intelligent'...
Expert System Integrity Maintenance for the Retrieval of Data From Engineering Databases
This paper describes a mechanism that enables one to automatically monitor and evaluate engineering design data retrieval. It presents a framework, associated with a relational database...
Expert Systems in Construction Management: Microcomputer Application
Microcomputer based expert systems will assist construction industry by: changing the construction manager's role from day-to-day decision making to strategic planning and...
A Knowledge Based Technique for Structural Component Design Programs
Traditionally, computer programs written for the purpose of sizing and checking standards compliance of individual structural members have been authored in high level compiled languages...
A Demonstration Expert System to Aid in Assessing Groundwater Contaminating Potential by Organic Chemicals
An expert systems approach to evaluating mobility and degradation of organics in soil systems is compared to conventional programming techniques. An expert system has been developed in...
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