Effects of High Pressure and Temperature on HCP
A modification of fabrication techniques for cement paste can significantly affect its properties. Specifically, the static compressive strength can be increased over that of specimens...

Delamination and Remedial Repair of GFRC Cladding Panels
The construction of a six story, steel framed office structure included an exterior cladding of prefabricated glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) panels. The typical full-size panel...

Avoiding Cracks in Brickwork
Many aspects of movement and differential movement have been discussed. However, other movements and effects of movement that have not been discussed may also affect the performance of...

A Study of Exterior Facades?Problems and Solutions
The quality of the exterior facades of a building is important to maintaining aesthetic image, protecting the interior environment from infiltration of heat, cold, moisture, wind, and...

The Basics of Water-Resistant Brick Walls
Water-resistant masonry walls of burned clay or shale brick are the result of a conscious effort to produce them, by everyone involved in their creation. Furthermore, owner maintenance...

Influence of Surface Conditions on Surface Temperature
Geotechnical engineers working in areas of discontinuous permafrost are frequently faced with the necessity of designing facilities with a minimum of thermal disturbance. Construction...

The Assessment of Freeze-Thaw Damage in Cement Stabilised Soils
Whilst the ASTM Freeze-thaw test was not originally conceived as a means for classifying the frost resistance of cement stabilised soils it has become accepted for this purpose, with the...

Winter Highway Construction
The purpose of this paper is to describe a study of the feasibility of constructing highways in the wintertime in cold regions. The study, sponsored by the Alaska Department of Transportation...

Structural Monitoring Concepts for Arctic Pipelines
Terrain instabilities producing differential soil movements are the predominant features affecting the structural integrity and design of buried pipeline systems in the arctic. Current...

Pipeline Frost Heave Predictions Using a 2-D Thermal Model
Chilled structures founded on initially unfrozen soils cause a zone or 'bulb' of frost to develop with time. This time period may be of seasonal duration, as...

Ice Forces on Bridge Piers
The force that river ice exerts on bridge piers has been studied in the field and with models in the laboratory. Ice forces are a function of the strength, thickness, failure mode and...

The Metropolitan Boston Area Earthquake Loss Study
This study develops an inventory of critical facilities in the Metropolitan Boston area and analyzes the impact of a project earthquake (Cape Ann Event) on their structural integrity and...

Lifeline Risk Analyses: The Mokelumne Aqueduct Study
Probabilistic risk analysis methods are applied to the evaluation of seismic and non-seismic vulnerability of a 25-kilometer length of a major lifeline aqueduct system. In addition to...

Structural Design of the Defense Waste Processing Facility
The Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) is designed to process radioactive defense waste sludge and the radioactive nuclides, cesium and stronium, from the salt solution. These radioactive...

A Generic Design for On-Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage
This paper describes a generic design for an on-site low level radioactive waste storage facility. The generic design encompases the development of design criteria including an envelope...

Building Arrangement and Site Layout Design Guides for On Site Low Level Radioactive Waste Storage Facilities
This paper will discuss a typical storage facility and address the design considerations and operational aspects that are generally overlooked when designing and siting a low level radioactive...

Nonlinear Analytical Models for Interfacial Plug Stresses in Creeping Salt Formation
Analytical and numerical simulation models are presented which predict the nonlinear time dependent behavior of an expanding plug in a creeping environment heavily dependent on the storage...

Design of Impact Limiters for Waste Fuel Shipping Casks
Impact limiters are often used to control the decelerations experienced by a waste fuel shipping cask when it is subjected to the hypothetical accident condition loadings. Simplified design...

Simulation of Salt Behavior Using In Situ Response
This paper presents an improved method for simulating the salt behavior. In this method, the governing equations are normalized to the creep function, which represents the transient and...

Some Recent Advances in Automatic Mesh Generation
The establishment of automated finite element modeling procedures must begin with the development of automatic mesh generators capable of producing a valid finite element mesh for any...





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