Electro-Osmotic Removal of Nitrates from Soils
Nitrate migration to ground and surface waters is a serious U.S. contamination threat. Electro-osmosis may be a more effective means for soil reclamation than leaching or chemical treatment....

Nitrate Contamination of an Alluvial Aquifer Resulting from Irrigation and Geologic Control
A nitrate sampling program was conducted in the vicinity of a rural municipality to determine the source of nitrate contamination of the municipal groundwater supply. A finite-difference...

Nitrogen Leaching from Young Florida Citrus
Sixteen buried drainage lysimeters were constructed from 2300 L polyethylene containment basins for the study. The lysimeters were 2.1 m in diameter by 0.8 m deep and were filled with...

Watertable Control and Reuse of Drain Water
One of the short term alternatives for disposal of saline groundwater is direct reuse of agricultural subsurface drainage water for irrigation of the land being drained. If the groundwater...

Development of a Selenium TMDL for the San Joaquin River
The objective of this study is to devise a user-friendly, reliable method to calculate a screening-level 'Total Maximum Daily Load' (TMDL) for the San Joaquin River and similar western...

Soil Treatment of Food Processing Wastewater
Wastewater from food processing contains a large oxygen demand. Most food processing wastewater requires primary treatment to remove some solids and secondary treatment to oxidize oxygen...

Subterranean Disposal of Irrigation Drainage Waters in Western San Joaquin Valley
Subsurface drainage waters in the western San Joaquin Valley of California are laden with selenium and other toxic elements and above-ground disposal creates a hazard problem (Letey et...

Optimizing Irrigation Management for Pollution Control and Sustainable Crop Yield
We developed a simulation-optimization model which maximizes crop yield while maintaining target salt concentration in the root zone, and/or preventing salt from leaching to the groundwater....

Farmers' Incentives to Reduce Groundwater Nitrates
Nitrate leaching from irrigated crops is a productive input loss to the farmer and a possible source of environmental degradation. This study uses a simulation model to analyze incentives...

A GIS Approach for Studying Irrigation Management Alternatives to Reduce Salt Loading of River Basins
As part of an ongoing effort to improve the water quality of the Colorado River, many methods have been employed to analyze the overall benefits of alternate irrigation management practices...

Managing Irrigation in the Presence of Groundwater
A method was developed to use lysimeter data for groundwater contribution to crop water use in the irrigation scheduling procedure for a subsurface drip irrigated field underlain by shallow...

Subsurface Drip Irrigation Can Reduce Pollution
Several researchers have indicated that precise subsurface drip (SSD) application of irrigation water can be effectively used to reduce pollution of the aquifer when irrigating with reclaimed...

Irrigation Lettuce with Buried Drip, Surface Drip, and Furrow Irrigation: Spatial Variability of Plants, Soil, and Water
Spatial variability of plant growth, soil, and water was investigated for a furrow, surface drip, and subsurface drip irrigation systems. Variability was analyzed by sampling plant weight,...

Irrigating Lettuce with Buried Drip, Surface Drip, and Furrow Irrigation Systems: Overall Performance
Groundwater nitrate contamination is a major concern in the Salinas Valley of California. The source of much of the nitrate appears to be vegetable production in the valley. A field-scale...

Overview of the Department of the Interior's National Irrigation Water Quality Program
The Department of the Interior National Irrigation Water Quality Program was started in 1985 in response to concerns about contamination of water, bottom sediment and biota in National...

Selenium in Soil, Water, Sediment, and Biota of the Lower Sun River Area, West-Central Montana
A U.S. Department of the Interior study started in 1990 examined the source, movement, fate, and possible biological effects of selenium associated with irrigation drainage from the Sun...

Distribution and Mobilization of Dissolved Selenium in Ground Water of the Irrigated Grand and Uncompahgre Valleys, Western Colorado
Distribution of dissolved selenium in ground water of the irrigated Grand and Uncompahgre Valleys is affected by the aqueous geochemical environment of the shallow ground-water system...

Planning for Remediation of Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems in the Middle Green River Basin, Utah
Reconnaissance investigations and detailed studies between 1986-1990 under the National Irrigation Water Quality Program of the Department of the Interior identified and quantified elevated...

Testing of Outlet Works Emergency (Guard) Gates Under Unbalanced Head Conditions ? Background and History
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has responsibility for ensuring the proper operation, maintenance, and safety of over 300 dams and reservoirs throughout the 17 Western States. Storage of...

The AGWATER computer program is an interactive learning, teaching, and pre-season evaluation tool regarding agricultural irrigation. It combines the concepts of irrigation scheduling,...





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