Infrastructure in a Hurry
The City of Austin, Texas has experienced tremendous growth since the early 1970s. Until recently, however, infrastructure development lagged. Now the city is engaged in a $1 billion infrastructure...

Uncertainty and Conservatism in the Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Facilities
Traditionally, seismic analysis and design of nuclear power plant structures are performed using deterministic procedures. In order to address the issue of the likelihood of failure, probabilistic...

Structural Design of the Defense Waste Processing Facility
The Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) is designed to process radioactive defense waste sludge and the radioactive nuclides, cesium and stronium, from the salt solution. These radioactive...

Passing the Public Works Buck
Users and beneficiaries of local and state public works projects are paying a larger share of their cost. State and federal grants and general local revenues are being relied on less....

Water Forum '86
World Water Issues in Evolution
These proceedings for Water Forum '86 include papers presented at the second conference in which the water-oriented divisions of the American Society of Civil Engineers have...

Urban Energy Systems for the 21st Century: Transition Paths
Alternative energy systems can be expected to be a significant part of advanced, 'intelligent,' infrastructure systems for cities of the 21st Century. The question...

New Generation Capacity
Currently, electric utilities in the U. S. have excess generation capacity. In addition, some new generation capacity is well under construction and is scheduled to come on-line soon,...

A Power Planning Model for Seismic Risk Zones
We present a model to configure a nuclear power system consisting of plants and the distribution network. In the model, we quantify seismic risk as comprehensively as possible in terms...

Developing Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources
The development of small scale, renewable or alternative (R/A) energy resources was originally perceived as environmentally more acceptable than large-scale conventional projects. The...

Conference Overview
An Engineering Foundation Conference organized by the ASCE Urban Water Resources Research Council was held at New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire, June 22-27, 1986. This paper...

Constructing a Better Environment
The civil engineer is traditionally designated the jobsite environmental engineer during construction, and is responsible for managing environmental protection and monitoring. Jobsite...

New Runways Take Off
The two mile long runway 9-27, now being constructed at Houston Intercontinental Airport, was built for about 30% ($7 million) less than if designed conventionally. Rather than concrete...

Boston's Water Resource Development
Past, Present, and Future
This volume contains five papers describing diverse aspects of water supply, water power, and wastewater disposal in eastern Massachusetts. Three papers discuss Boston's water...

A Digester Gas Cogeneration Plant at EBMUD
Final testing and start-up of a 4. 3 MW digester gas cogeneration plant has been completed and full-time operation begun at the EBMUD Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oakland, California....

Managing Public Works: How the Best Do It
Management methods of what are considered the best public works organizations are reviewed. Examples of personnel management in some of these organizations include: Fostering the professional...

Defining the Infrastructure Problem?The Local View
The Governor's report defines infrastructure as 'the collective network of physical facilities and their maintenance necessary to sustain economic growth and...

Revitalization of Urban Water Supply and Distribution Systems: Detroit and Phoenix Case Studies
In 1980 the people in the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department were asking themselves the kind of question that is facing the managers of many municipal utilities in this country these...

Infrastructure Awareness: Successful Techniques
The need to rehabilitate and upgrade our infrastructure systems, specifically the systems of water supply and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, bridges, highways and mass...

The National Infrastructure Act
Today, more than ever before, the United States faces a serious problem related to the condition and adequacy of its basic infrastructure - surface transportation, water supply and distribution,...

Carbon Columns: Success at Last
The first large scale application of carbon columns for municipal wastewater treatment has been operating for two years. The columns were designed as part of a program to upgrade an out...





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