Water Quality Effects on Eucalyptus ET
The researchers are testing established methods for measuring evapotranspiration (ET) from a 6-year old plantation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis containing about 3,000 trees per ha in a...

Simulated Citrus Water Use from Shallow Groundwater
Citrus groves in south Florida are planted on poorly-drained soils that support a shallow water table which can contribute some or all of the citrus evapotranspiration (ET) requirement...

Influence of Irrigation on Subsurface Drainage
The influence flood irrigation has on drainage effluent in terms of discharge rates and water quality was analyzed at an artificially drained alfalfa field in Fallon, Nevada. Immediately...

Technology Transfer Lessons from a U.S. Water District
An interceptor canal will be constructed near the end of eight laterals to collect and transport operational discharge and returned farm deliveries to a reservoir for temporary storage....

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation?New Directions in Water Management and Conservation
The activities of the U.S. Bureau of reclamation are reviewed. Pacific Northwest Region, upper Deschustes River Basin Water Conservation Project, Northwest Cooperative Agricultural Weather...

Simulating the Effects of Deficit Irrigation for Furrow Systems
The distribution of irrigation water across a field can dramatically affects management of furrow irrigation systems as water supplies become limiting. To assess management strategies...

Rehabilitating Irrigation Systems from the 20th Century for the 21st Century
Irrigation projects were begun in the southwestern United States in the late 1800's. These projects were increased and modified during the 1900's and have become the lifeblood of reservations...

Planning for Water Conservation Through Irrigation System Modernization and Rehabilitation
A landmark agreement became effective in December 1989 between the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and Imperial Irrigation District which provides for the implementation...

Broad-Crested Weir Application on 15,000-Acre Farm
Growers in California have been subjected to increasing pressure to account for water used on the farm due to limited water supplies and increasing energy costs. Water measurement capability...

Crop Classification and Area Estimation Using Airborne Multispectral Video/Radiometer Remote Sensing
The U.S. Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) in Logan, Utah, combines color slide 35 mm aerial photography with color video imagery to perform routine (yearly) crop...

A Markov Chain Approach for Analyzing Palmer Drought Index
Drought is conceived as a period of below normal precipitation or moisture deficiency that would affect the social and economic activities of a region. The Palmer Drought Index (PDI) is...

Operation of the Central Valley Project During California's Drought
The Federal Central Valley Project is one of the country's major water resource developments. A severe 5-year drought has tested the capabilities of the CVP to meet its authorized purposes....

Water Management Under Drought Conditions: An Overview of Practices by Non-Federal Entities
This paper provides an overview of water management procedures and practices of non-federal water management agencies under drought conditions. The general components of drought water...

Operation of the Tennessee Valley Authority Water Control System Under Extreme Drought Conditions
The Tennessee Valley region recently suffered through the most severe drought of record. As increasing demands were placed on the reservoir system, operating priorities were modified to...

Soil Moisture and Runoff?Another Look
Infiltrometer studies conducted on numerous soil types in various locations of the United States which had soil moisture data were used to calculate the runoff Curve Number (CN) of both...

Hydrologic Considerations in Mined Land Reclamation
Thunder Basin Coal Company (TBCC), a subsidiary of the Atlantic Richfield Company, operates the Black Thunder Mine in the Powder River Basin of Northeast Wyoming. The mine, located roughly...

Variations in Curve Number for a Reclaimed AML Site
Runoff and erosion from an abandoned mine land site near Sheridan, Wyoming were monitored for four years following reclamation. Small plots, which included lengths from 12 to 24 meters...

Assessing the Leaching Potential of Herbicides at the Ohio MSEA
The GLEAMS model was used to assess the potential for herbicide leaching at the Ohio MSEA. Input data, typical of the Ohio MSEA, was used in conjunction with precipitation data for the...

Water Quantity and Quality for Irrigated Agriculture and Wetlands
A water balance for the Carson Division of the Newlands Project in Northwest Nevada was created to identify the potential recovery of irrigation drainage effluent from the shallow aquifer...

Recycling Wastewater by Drip Irrigation
Hawaii's sugar factories produce about 380 million liters of wastewater per day from sugarcane washing, condensation, and cooling operations. Since 1972, wastewater has been used to irrigate...





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