Characterization of the Dalton Highway Foundation Soils
A case study is presented of the landform-based probabilistic-statistical route geotechnical characterization of natural foundation soils along the Dalton Highway. Landforms were mapped...

Long Term Performance of the Goldstream Creek Bridge
In 1964 the Alaska Department of Transportation and the U. S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory initiated a cooperative study which in the long-term generated a significant...

A Thermal Analysis of Pavement Thawing
This research focuses on identifying the spring thawing period for the purpose of timing load restrictions on low to medium volume roads in frost-susceptible areas. Cases evaluated include...

Ice Cover Research?Present State and Future Needs
Presentation reviews, at first, a number of problem areas in ice engineering, such as the determination of vertical and horizontal forces floating ice covers exert on fixed structures,...

Terrain Analysis From Space Shuttle Photographs of Tibet
Several Space Shuttle missions obtained false color and large format, high resolution, black and white stereo photography at an approximate scale of 1:800,000. In addition to available...

Massive Ice Detection by Earth Resistivity
This paper presents two case histories utilizing remote sensing earth resistivity equipment to target subsurface massive ice locations. In one case, a number of probe locations were made...

Finite Element Modelling of Cold Regions Concreting
Finite element heat transfer computer programs are discussed in regard to their use in modelling cold weather concreting. The concrete material properties required for input to the finite...

F.E.M. Analysis of Mobile Arctic Caisson Island With Stochastic Material Properties
The paper examines how soil uncertainty influences the short term settlements and stresses of the Mobile Arctic Caisson on the original sea bed. Utilizing a two-dimensional plane strain...

Geomembrane Liner Performance in the Arctic
A geomembrane liner must be selected not only on the basis of its chemical compatibility with the substance to be contained, but also on the basis of its physical performance characteristics...

Coal Mining in Alaska's Interior: Problems and Solutions
The Usibelli Coal Mine located in Healy, Alaska is currently the largest operating coal mine in the state of Alaska. The mine has recently increased production to nearly 1. 7 million tons...

Moisture Effects on Extruded Polystyrene Insulation
The amount of moisture within the insulation was determined by carefully weighing each sample and then measuring its volume. Two methods of measuring thermal conductivity were used. The...

Insulation Performance Beneath Roads and Airfields in Alaska
Evaluations of the long-term thermal performance of installations in Alaska for frost heave control have included sampling and testing of the insulations to determine the retained thickness,...

Waterfront Stabilization Project, Kaktovik, Alaska
This paper discusses an innovative 384-foot treated-timber cribwall design utilized to control rapidly accelerating thermal erosion and establish a roadway along the bluff on the Beaufort...

Sheet Pile Interlock Behavior: A Moving Contract Problem
The finite element method is used to analyze the behavior of sheet pile interlocks subjected to an uniaxial pull test. The thumb and finger of the interlock provide three contact points...

Spring Stiffness for Beam-Column Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems
The objective is to provide a simple means of analytically combining a two-dimensional foundation with a beam-column structure so that the procedure can be used for preliminary design...

Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction by the Boundary Element Method: A Comparison Study
A comparison study of three Boundary Element Method approaches is attempted on the basis of a typical three-dimensional, dynamic soil-structure interaction problem. The vertical transient...

The Mexican Earthquake: A Firsthand Report
The Mexican earthquake of September 19, 1985 was most peculiar, because of the combination of its intensity, regularity, and duration. No other earthquake has had an intensity of IX, at...

Strengthening Alaskan Beaufort Sea Soils with Portland Cement
Preliminary studies undertaken to assess the feasibility of utilizing gravity structures on soft arctic silts indicate that the available foundation capacity are insufficient. Therefore...

Sampling and Testing in Stiff Crustal Clays
In desiccated clays, the secondary structure consisting of fissures and slickensides greatly influence the measurement of soil strength. In a sampling study, such soils were found to be...

Mechanics of Crack Propagation in Stiff Clays
Many stiff clays forming part of natural slopes and earth dams exist in the fissured state. When these cracks are subjected to gravity induced normal and shear stresses they may propagate....





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