Model Tests for the Evaluation of Auto-Venting Hydroturbines
The most significant environmental problem for many hydroelectric facilities is the water quality of turbine discharges. The primary water quality problem is often low dissolved oxygen...

Modeling of Wetland Hydrodynamics and Transport in Coastal Louisiana
Modeling of hydraulics and transport of large wetland systems poses critical decisions between resolution of the complex geometry of a wetland and the testing required to meet study goals....

Finite Element Modeling of Flow in Wetlands
Requirements for developing a mathematical model of unsteady flow in wetlands are suggested. An equivalent continuum approximation is appropriate to avoid problems of describing the turbulence...

TABS-2 Application to Kawainui Marsh Flood Control
The TABS-2 mathematical modeling system was used to evaluate the effectiveness of alternatives designed to eliminate flooding problems in the Kawainui Marsh located in Kailua on the east...

Energy Losses Due to Air Admission in Hydroturbines
Admission of air at the exit of a hydroturbine runner is an attractive technique for raising dissolved oxygen levels downstream of a hydro plant. The air admission, however, is generally...

Numerical Modeling of Air/Water Mixtures for Internal Flows
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) currently is working with several organizations to develop design tools for the aerating hydroturbine. Part of this effort includes the investigation...

One Dimensional Finite Element Model for Spillway Flow
This paper summarizes the development and preliminary testing of a one dimensional numerical model termed 'CURVE1D.' The model is nonhydrostatic, including bed...

Design of High Capacity Spillways for Ritschard Dam, Colorado
A hydraulic model investigation was conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation to assist in designing the hydraulic structures associated with Ritschard Dam. Ritschard Dam will have a labyrinth...

Dam Break Analysis for a Series of Dams Using the HEC-1 and DAMBRK Computer Programs
The HEC-1 and DAMBRK computer programs were developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) [3] and by the National Weather Service (NWS) [4], respectively....

Verification of a Numerical Model for Suspended Sediment Transport in San Francisco Bay
Two-dimensional vertically averaged hydrodynamic and sediment transport models were verified to field measurements from a 25-hour intensive survey in central San Francisco Bay. Excellent...

Gravitational Circulation in a Tidal Strait
Eight months of continuous measurements of tidal current profiles with an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) were made in Carquinez Strait, California, during 1988 for the purpose...

River Dike Design Using a Numerical Model Approach
The preliminary design of a dike field at Redeye Crossing on the Mississippi River (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) is discussed. The TABS-2 modeling system was used to develop a two dimensional...

Kings Bay Channel Expansion Hybrid Model Assessment
A hybrid modeling system (coupled physical and numerical models) was developed to assess velocity and sediment impacts associated with channel expansion. Physical model tides and velocities...

A Modular Visual Interface for Computational Fluids Forecasting
A forecasting system is under development for predicting the three-dimensional physical features (e.g. velocity, temperature etc.) of large water bodies. Visualization and interface development...

Visualization of Grids and Flow Fields for CFD Data
This paper will address visualization of grids and flow fields for computational field simulation. Specifically, we will present results and demonstrations of surface and grid generation...

Redondo Beach Thermal Study
Thermal tests were conducted in a 3D physical model of Redondo Beach King Harbor to simulate power plant cooling water intake and discharge into the harbor. Tests were conducted to determine...

Design of a Stratified Cooling Channel
Cooling ponds are used for managing waste heat discharges. Cooling ponds are, however, expensive to construct and operate. A cooling channel is studied as an alternative means of managing...

Verification of a Three-Dimensional Numerical Hydrodynamic Model of the C&D Canal and Adjacent Estuaries
A 3D hydrodynamic model of the C&D Canal and adjacent estuaries was developed by using the WES-CH3D code. CH3D uses a simplified second order vertical turbulence model based on...

A Microcomputer-Based System for Two-Dimensional Flow Modeling
An integrated, microcomputer-based system has been developed for simulation of two-dimensional, unsteady, free surface flows. The system consists of a finite-element mesh generation code,...

Set-Down in a Tidal Embayment
A mean water level in tidal bays and estuaries that is higher than the ocean mean water level (set-up) is a fairly common occurrence. Set-down of the mean water level can be shown to be...





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