Groundwater Modelling
The numerical simulation of groundwater flow and transport has evolved from a technical curiosity to an established method of hydrological analysis. In this brief review the progress that...

Deterministic and Statistical Water Quality Modeling
An integrated methodology is presented, based on a hierarchical package of computer models ranging from simple micro-computer programs to more complex mainframe simulation, to address...

The Water Resources Models of the Instream Flow Group
The Instream Flow Group of the US Fish and Wildlife Service has five analytical systems designed to assist in the development of instream flow criteria for water resources projects. Models...

Digital Simulation of Flows in Hawaiian Soils
In attempting to numerically solve the nonlinear equation for flows in porous media, the Galerkin process, which bears a great similarity to direct methods of the calculus of variations,...

Use of a Two-Dimensional Flow Model to Quantify Aquatic Habitat
This paper describes the use of a numerical two-dimensional flow model to evaluate the impacts of potential hydropower retrofits on downstream flow distributions at Lock and Dam No. 8...

BAKWATR (3)--Computation of Gradually Varied Flow
The BAKWATR computer program computes profiles of gradually varied flow in open channels of irregular shape using a microcomputer. Channel cross sections are defined by a series of points...

Optimal Muskingum River Routing
The Muskingum method of river routing is well established and frequently used. An attempt is made to improve the method by optimal selection of the model parameters. The common linear...

Ground-Water Flow Model of Soda-Ash Waste Beds
A recent application by a steel manufacturing plant to obtain a permit for an industrial landfill located on top of abandoned soda-ash waste beds in the City of Syracuse, New York, resulted...

Hydrograph Decomposition: Using a Technical Database
Trouble shooting for infiltration/inflow (I/I) problems in a sewer system is made much easier with the aid of a computerized hydrograph decomposition methodology. A methodology has been...

Research Needs in Land Application of Sludge?Hydrologic Effects of Soil-Sludge Interaction
The effects of wastewater sludge amendment on subsurface and surface flow regimes is discussed. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research on hydrologic effects of soil-sludge...

Indoor Air Quality Simulations with the Mass Balance Model
Recent studies relate energy conservation measures, specifically to reduction of the air exchange rate of residences, with potential adverse health effects due to human exposure to increased...

Groundwater Studies for Land Treatment Facility
A wastewater treatment facility currently under construction in Falmouth, Massachusetts, features a dual disposal method for land application of effluent. As the effluent disposal site...

Los Angeles Infiltration/Inflow Reduction Program
The City of Los Angeles maintains and operates two wastewater collection and treatment systems: the Hyperion System and the Terminal Island System. During the wet months of December through...

Water Diversion at Low-Level Waste Disposal Sites
Shallow depth to groundwater, surface drainage, and subsurface flow during storm events are major environmental concerns of low-level radioactive waste management operations in humid regions....

Simplified Methods to Predict the Fate of Metals in Rives
Heavy metal contamination of rivers is of increasing concern to society. To help predict the fate of metals in rivers, researchers have developed computer models to simulate speciation...

NCASI Enhancements of the QUAL-II Model
The mathematical water quality model QUAL-II has been modified to reflect advances in the understanding of algal, nutrient, and light interactions. Code changes were also made to incorporate...

Computer Simulation of Lime-Soda Softening of Cooling Waters
A computer model is developed to simulate the process of lime-soda softening of cooling waters. Results from the model are compared with those from a laboratory experimental study using...

Transport of Halogenated Organics in Saturated Groundwater Flow: Theoretical and Experimental Results
This paper presents the development of a mathematical model to describe transport of organic chemicals in saturated soil columns and compares model predictions to experimental results....

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow and Sewage Effluent Migration in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of a proposed sewage effluent discharge located in the Strait of Juan de Fuca just outside of Sequim Bay, Washignton. The three-dimensional,...

Estimating Transmission Losses
Infiltration or transmission losses in ephemeral stream channels are an important part of the water balance in arid and semiarid regions. The governing equations for movement of flood...





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