Applications of GIS for Water Quality Modeling in Agricultural and Urban Watersheds
Two studies were conducted to integrate: 1) an agricultural nonpoint source pollution model, AGNPS, with Geographic Information System (GIS) databases, digital elevation model (DEM) data,...

Uncertainty Quantification in Water Distribution Parameter Estimation
Calibration for water distribution system model parameters is usually undertaken with a minimal amount of field measurements so additional pseudomeasurements are assumed. Both the actual...

Measurements to Calibrate Suspended Sediment Model for Adsorbed Contaminant Transport Study of North Fork Holston River, Virginia
A daily suspended sediment (SS) and mercury transport model was developed for a 25-mile reach of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville, Virginia. Daily streamflow measurements;...

Routing for Lake and Tidal Canal Drainage System
A routing method is presented for lake and tidal canal interconnected drainage system in coastal urban areas. Combing reservoir routing, channel routing, and discharge computation of the...

Management of Water Resources Distribution in Iran
On the basis of 45th principle of the Iranian Constitution, seawater as well as river waters, streams and any other natural course, whether surface or underground, also floods, wastewaters,...

Effect of Manning's Roughness Coefficient in Simulating Flow Parameters in Natural Channels
Manning's roughness coefficients are presented for three of the oldest and largest irrigation canals in Egypt. The discharges ranges from 35 to 318 m3/s....

Safety Analysis of Handset Wood Slab Formworks
A reliability index is calculated for flexural strength of a handset wood slab formwork system. Load and resistance models are based on a survey of construction loads and wood test data...

Construction Accident Analysis: The Inductive Learning Approach
This paper presents the use of inductive learning in the analysis of construction accidents. It provides a brief description of ROUGH, an inductive system based on the theory of rough...

Project Controls for Denver International Airport
Managing a $2 billion dollar construction program requires a unique application of tried and true control systems and provides an opportunity to innovate new methods. The Program utilizes...

Project Controls on the Channel Tunnel Project
Establishing controls for a multi-facted, multi-billion dollar, privately financed, project which is run by two organisations created solely for that one project has been a major challenge....

Design of Large Project Permit Management System
This paper provides a brief overview of the functional specifications for a Permit Tracking and Evaluation System (PTES) which is interfaced to the master schedule of design and construction...

A Framework for Reasoning About CAD Data
A system capable of reasoning about CAD data offers the opportunity to substantially improve a design or a construction plan by providing feedback about an engineer's artifact. This paper...

Integration of CAD and Knowledge-Based Systems?An AI Architecture
This research focuses on the use of CAD-KBSs integration as a tool for increasing constructability in design and accomplishing construction management functions. Beyond the drafting ability,...

Reasoning for Data Integration
Improving the inter-disciplinary communication of design and construction data is an important objective in improving the competitiveness of our construction industry. This paper discusses...

Requirements of Object-Oriented Databases for Supporting Collaborative Engineering
Object-oriented programming is gradually evolving into a popular and standard paradigm for large software application development. Typical examples include computer-aided design and engineering...

Automating Project Scheduling?A Case Study
This paper describes the on-going development of a 'finite element' based, project planning and scheduling package which uses knowledge bases, inference engines,...

An Object Oriented Design Methodology for Systems Integration ? A Research-in-Progress Report
This paper reports the progress of a research project to develop an object oriented design methodology for systems integration. The paper discusses motivation for this research, research...

Knowledge-Based Paradigms in Layout Generation
The generation of architectural layouts through knowledge-based techniques forms a notable focus in design research efforts. A significant aspect of this research centers upon the development...

Contractor Sponsored Expert System
An expert system being developed for a general building contractor for generating draft schedules for high-rise residential construction is described. Use is made of standard projects,...

Computer-Based Environment for Integrated Tunneling Design and Construction
The MIT tunneling group has developed, over the past decade, a number of decision support tools for the geologist and engineer, planner and designer, owner and contractor involved in tunnel...





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