Streamflow Depletions for Water Transfers in Utah
All inter- or intra-state transfers of Utah water rights must be accomplished by application and receive the approval of the Utah State Engineer. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Streamflow Depletions Considered in Water Transfers
In the State of Colorado, streamflow depletions are defined as that amount of water diverted to beneficial use minus return flows to the stream system. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Evaluating the Facts in Water Right Changes
Under the western system of appropriation water rights may be separated from the land and the time, type and place of use changed. Such changes are governed by the principle that there...

Streamflow Depletions Resulting from Ground Water Transfers
An application to move the point of diversion of a quasi-municipal ground water right from about 4.8 km to a second well about 0.3 km from a river channel was made in the Reno/Sparks,...

Hydrological Impacts of a California Water Transfer
Conaway Ranch, located in Yolo County, California, transferred water to the California Emergency Drought Water Bank (Water Bank) in 1991 and 1992. Water for these transfers was generated...

Water Transfer: Applicants and Objectors Analyses
Two different analyses of the historical on-farm consumptive use and return flows of agricultural water rights in Northern Colorado are discussed. The City of Thornton plans the transfer...

The ASCE Neutron Probe Calibration Study: Overview
A workshop was held at Logan, Utah to gather field information on neutron probe calibration and operation. Several techniques and instruments were compared. This paper serves to establish...

Soil Bulk Density Sampling for Neutron Gauge Calibration
The ASCE Task Committee on Neutron Gauge Calibration met in Logan, Utah in July 1992 to investigate the various methods of soil sampling, installation of access tubes, effect of various...

Measuring Soil Bulk Density Profiles with a Single Probe Gamma Density Gauge
Calibrating neutron depth gauges for measuring soil water content profiles requires soil bulk density data. In this study, the feasibility of using a single probe gamma density gauge to...

Error Analysis of Bulk Density Measurements for Neutron Moisture Gauge Calibration
Six bulk density sampling methods were evaluated for use in neutron gauge calibration. All six methods provided estimates of bulk density which were generally within 5% of bulk density...

Performance Factors of Neutron Moisture Probes Related to Position of Source on Detector
The performances of two commercially available neutron moisture probes with different source-detector placement were evaluated. The probes were the Troxler with the neutron source placed...

Neutron Gauge Calibration Comparison of Methods
Several methods for obtaining soil samples for determining soil water content were used for field calibration of neutron gauges. This paper compares the results of calibration curves obtained...

Effect of Moisture and Bulk Density Sampling on Neutron Moisture Gauge Calibration
Three moisture and bulk density sampling methods were evaluated for use in neutron gauge calibration. Each of the methods was comprised of a single core or portions of a core taken during...

Soil Moisture Monitoring Using a Portable Capacitance Probe
Accurate monitoring of soil moisture has long been in integral part of a successful agricultural management system. Water has increasingly become a valuable and much sought after natural...

Availability Analysis of Irrigation Systems for Improved Management
Availability of an irrigation system is defined as the ratio of time of successful system operation to total desired operation time. Operation is successful when the flow rate of water...

Water Penetration Manual for California Soils
Slow water penetration in irrigated soils is a complex problem of major importance in California's $18 billion agricultural industry. The Kearney Foundation of Soil Science chose to work...

Evapotranspiration of Dry Beans with Drip Irrigation
Information about the effect of irrigation on dry bean production in the Southwestern Colorado is very limited. The primary objective of this study is to establish a crop water use (ET)...

Local Water, Local Control
Governments throughout the world are trying to improve the performance of publicly-owned and operated irrigation districts by turning operation and management of the districts over to...

A Solid Waste Solution
Burgeoning growth and diminishing landfill capacity have been propelling Broward County, Fla. toward a solid-waste crisis. The county, located along Florida's southeastern...

California Water Issues?Bay-Delta Hearings?Impacts on State Water Project
The State Water Resources Control Board's impending Decision 1630 is described along with its potentially substantial impacts on California's water supplies. Department of Water Resources...





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