Another Geotech Import: Deep Soil Mixing
A technique called deep soil mixing (DSM), imported from Japan, has been used to stabilize an existing dam foundation. When the Bureau of Reclamation discovered that Jackson Lake Dam had...

Milwaukee's Deep Tunnels�No Clone
Tunnel boring machines are excavating nearly 19 miles of tunnels 17-32 ft in diameter as part of Milwaukee's $1.9 billion upgrade of its sanitary sewage system. Laid out to...

The Sand Bar Hydroelectric Project: A Case History
The Sand Bar project's major features include a reinforced concrete intake structure; 3. 5 miles of twelve foot diameter hard rock tunnel; a reinforced concrete powerhouse...

Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of Anderson Ranch Dam
This paper contains a description of a liquefaction evaluation of the alluvial foundation soils at Anderson Ranch Dam, which was performed as part of the USBR's program of...

Special Pile Foundations for a Coastal Permafrost Site
The design of the plant's foundations had to address several challenging geotechnical conditions. These included (1) 'warm' (close to 32 degree F)...

Design of Tension Member Insulated Anchor for Arctic Pipelines
This paper explores the latest development in above-ground waterflood pipe anchors currently being used on the SOHIO operated portion of the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field. The objective of the...

Hot Sand for Improved Traction on Icy Roads
Experiments were performed to determine if heating sand prior to spreading it on icy roads would improve the skid resistance of the road more than cold sanding. Tests were made on a full-scale...

Building Foundation on Thawed Soil and Permafrost
The site of a planned 10,000 square foot State Youth Facility in Bethel, Alaska was found to be underlain by discontinuous permafrost. This paper describes the geophysical and geotechnical...

Stabilization of a Permafrost Subsidence in the Airport Runway at Bethel Alaska
During the construction of the extension to the Bethel Airport runway in 1969, it was necessary to construct a fill across a small gully. The subbase material in the gully contained some...

The CBR Test Applied to Processed and Compacted Snow
The processes used during the past two decades to improve the snow bear a modest resemblance to conventional flexible pavement construction, thus the field CBR (California Bearing Ratio)...

Soil Strength Recovery Using a Clegg Impact Device
The research described in this paper uses the Clegg Impact Device to determine the relative strength of a soil, and describes how this information can be used to develop the strength recovery...

Design and Monitoring of an Ice Drill Pad
An ice pad was sucessfully designed and built to provide a suitable foundation for an exploratory drill rig in the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska in early 1985. Design considerations...

A Self-Refrigerated Gravel Pad Foundation for Large Thermal Loads
Design criteria for a proposed power plant at Thule Air Force Base, Greenland, involved both large thermal loads from the diesel engines and large static loads from an eight foot thick...

Installation of Thermistor Strings in Test Borings: A Comparison of Methods and Results
Several test borings were instrumented with two thermistor strings, one inside and one outside an air-filled PVC casing to compare readings of both thermistor strings and the stability...

Monitoring Techniques for Thermosyphons
Two-phase thermosyphons used for passive soil refrigeration are monitored using a variety of techniques ranging from visual infrared scanning to measurement of internal pressures. Methods...

Ground Temperature Monitoring Cominco's Red Dog Project
Procedures are available in the literature for estimating subsurface thermal characteristics of foundation soils in cold regions using published climatic characteristics for a given area....

Design Evaluations in Support of Offshore Facilities and Gravel Islands in the Arctic
Development of oil resources in Northern Alaska has involved the design of nearshore and offshore facilities and structures in the Beaufort Sea and Prudhoe Bay in water depths ranging...

Testing of Admixtures for Seabed Strengthening
Samples from several offshore soil borings in an area of the Beaufort Sea were subjected to laboratory testing to determine the applicability of this method. The soils were mixed with...

Ester West Slide?A Case History
An 80 foot high embankment was benched into graphitic schist permafrost on a north facing slope approximately 25 miles west of Fairbanks, Alaska. Soon after construction approximately...

Reinforced Roads Bridging Voids
A mathematical model was developed to design a pavement section reinforced with a geotextile or related product to span a void. A full scale field test was conducted to verify the model....





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