Effects of Streambed Processes on Interaction Between Surface and Groundwater
In open channel systems, the phenomena commonly referred to as 'clogging' is caused by settling of sediment and straining of suspended material as water moves...

Streamflow Losses in the Santa Cruz River, Arizona
The discharge and volume of flow in a peak decrease as the peak moves through an 89-mile (143 km) reach of the Santa Cruz River. An average of three peaks per year flow the length of the...

A Freeway Simulation Program for Microcomputers
An interactive, menu driven macroscopic freeway simulation program with graphic capabilities is presented in this paper. In addition to the employment of personal computers the program...

TRANSYT 7F Applications on a Microcomputer
This paper describes the results of work undertaken by Michigan State University Civil Engineering graduate students as part of two separate class projects. Significant support was provided...

Coefficient of Variation of In Situ Tests in Sand
For a research project on the behavior of piles in sand for the United States Geological Survey and the Federal Highway Administration, ten sites were selected where detailed load tests...

Pipe Impact on Concrete Slabs
A series of pipe impact on concrete slab tests have been performed at the CEA's Cadarache Laboratory using the AQUITAINE II facility. The testing program was jointly sponsored...

The Response of Steel Containment Models to Internal Pressurization
To obtain insight and data on the response of containment vessels subjected to beyond design basis accidents, four 1/32 scale steel containment models have been subjected to internal overpressurization,...

Bayesian Procedure for Evaluation of Containment Capability
The functional requirements of a steel or concrete containment is to maintain the structural integrity as well as the leak-tight integrity of its pressure boundary under specified design...

Determination of Containment Vessel Ultimate Capacity Using Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
Analysis of steel containment vessels is normally performed using linear elastic solutions with allowable stresses specified by applicable design codes. This method gives little indication...

Allen-McColloch Pipeline Computer Based Control System
The Allen McColloch Pipeline (AMP) was designed to deliver 416 cfs of treated water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's Diemer Water Treatment Plant...

Pipeline Hydraulic Transient and Leak Detection Analysis
Liquid and gas pipelines cannot be properly designed with consideration of steady flow analysis techniques alone due to the possibility of pipeline failure resulting from uncontrolled...

Design of Thin Wall Reinforced Concrete Pipe Using Dimension Ratio (DR)
Dimension Ratio is defined as the ratio of the internal pipe diameter to the pipe wall thickness. The Caltrans culvert research leading to the development and use of the Dimension Ratio...

A Flat-Dilatometer Study of Lateral Soil Response
The effect of flat dilatometer penetration on the lateral stress conditions in soil around the dilatometer blade and the soil response against dilatometer diaphragm deflection were investigated...

Advances in CAD for Structural Engineers
In the 1980's Computer-Aided Design (CAD) will offer the structural engineer an opportunity to improve his work. Decreases in the cost of equipment and improvements in computer-aided...

Consolidation Performance of Soft Clays: Part 2. Predictions
The simplified version of the model described in Part 1 was used to predict the short-term performance of the St. Alban test fill. The long-term predictive capability of the model was...

Consolidation by Sand Drain in Anisotropic Ground
The author reduces Biot's equations of consolidation into a single governing equation with the excess pore water pressure as the only unknown function and derives the theory...

Yield Behaviour and Consolidation. I: Pore Pressure Response
This paper discusses the frequency of occurrence of anomalous consolidation behaviour. The behaviour of soft clay is discussed briefly in terms of the effective stress path/yield envelope...

Time and Stress Dependent Compression in Soft Sediments
Results are presented for laboratory experiments using a typical estuarine mud settling from a slurry in columns of 100mm diameter. Measurements have been made of density and pore water...

Instrumentation Performance in Soft Clay Soils (A Case History)
In 1978, IDEAL BASIC INDUSTRIES, INC. initiated construction of a cement manufacturing plant located south of Mobile, Alabama on the Theodore Ship Channel. Because deltaic clays were too...

Waste Phosphatic Clay Disposal in Mine Cutsr
Research was undertaken to assess the applicability of waste clay disposal back into phosphate mine cuts. The pit was monitored for two years with measurements of clay surface elevation,...





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