Accumulation of Streamflow in Complex Topography
A proposed synthetic watershed model which simulates the hydrologic process of both overland flow and interflow is presented in this paper. The synthetic model has features designed to...

Computer-Aided Drought Operations
A simulated drought operations exercise is conducted annually in the Washington, D. C. area. Local water supply utilities work with the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin...

Modeling a Water Distribution System
Problems encountered in modeling the water distribution system for the City of Norwich, NY are discussed and the procedures used to solve each problem are described. The interpretation...

Complications in the Design and Analysis of Small Water Distribution Systems
The design and operation of small treatment and distribution networks can sometimes be more complicated than the design of large metropolitan systems. More often than not, the use of standard...

HEC5 Hydropower Simulation Enhancements
Acres version of HEC5 possesses enhancements in the logic governing conventional hydropower, pumped-storage, and system power simulation. This paper demonstrates the conventional hydropower...

An Economic and Financial Planning Model
A comprehensive computer model for generation planning has been developed and applied to several large-scale power sector master plans. A unique feature of this model is the concurrent...

Adapting a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) has developed a mathematical simulation model for a key portion of its distribution system. A representative portion...

Modelling Complex Water Distribution Systems
A program previously used for the analysis of hundreds of water distribution systems was successfully modified to provide the features needed for the extended simulation of large complex...

State-of-the-Art Pipe Network Optimization
Within the next decade water distribution system optimization models should become everyday tools of practicing engineers. This paper examines existing models and discusses some of the...

Comupter-Aided Real-Time Reservoir Operation Methods
Over the years many mathematical models have been developed with potential application to computer-aided real-time reservoir operations. Only a few of these models have been practically...

Successive Application of Reservoir Simulation Models--A Case Study
Replacement of the conventional method of generating hydrology by a well established reservoir simulation model renders enormous amounts of flexibility and savings in computation time....

Models for Lake and River Basin Analysis
This tutorial describes basic concepts, purposes and issues of mathematical models for lakes and river basins. Simulation and optimization models are discussed and their structure and...

Optimal Operation of a System of Lakes for Quality and Quantity
A methodology is presented combining simulation and optimization techniques for determining operation strategies for a system of lakes in the presence of quality and quantity constraints....

Modeling of Reservoir Operations for Managing Ecological Interests
A network simulation model is applied to a three reservoir system to analyze the effects of alternative operating policies in response to such seasonal water demands as hydropower, pollution...

A Methodology for Optimal Network Design
A methodology is developed to optimize the design of water distribution networks using reduced gradient techniques with a network simulator. The problem is reduced in complexity by incorporating...

Real-Time Reservoir Operations by Quadratic Programming
A quadratic programming model is developed for real-time reservoir operations. It is assumed that convex penalty functions that relates the deviations of storage levels and downstream...

Integrated Operation of the Ottawa River System
Several years ago, an integrated operating process was developed in response to specific problems on the Ottawa River. The operating process involves several public-sector organizations...

User-Friendly Reservoir Routing on Minicomputers
Two models for routing reservoir releases and computing reservoir elevations for the TVA reservoir system are described. The models are designed for use on a 16-bit minicomputer with a...

Savannah River Basin Flood Management Decision Support
The Savannah District Army Corps of Engineers has constructed and now operates three multipurpose reservoirs on the Savannah River. Hartwell, the most upstream of the three projects, is...

Conceptual Framework for Regression Modeling of Ground-Water Flow
The author examines the uses of ground-water flow models and which classes of use require treatment of stochastic components. He then compares traditional and stochastic procedures for...





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