Large Scale ABF Mode Proves to be an Innovative Alternative for the City of Memphis
The article describes a modification carried out to overcome overloading of wastewater treatment plant at Memphis. The plant was originally constructed as a contact stabilization activated...

Full-Scale Automation of an SBR Wastewater Treatment Facility
Due to advantages offered by discontinuous wastewater processing, considerable attention has been given to the use of sequencing batch reactor (SBR). This paper will examine the implementation...

Removal of Trace Organics in MunicipalWastewater
This paper presents the results of three years of monitoring effluent quality from two treatment facilities for trace organic chemicals in Pima County, Arizona. Approximately thirty 24-hour...

Evaluation of Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone Preoxidation on Conventional Treatment and Direct Filtration
The renewed interest in the use of chlorine dioxide and ozone as preoxidants has focused mainly on their effectiveness on color and THM precursor removal and as disinfectants. This paper...

Experimental Verification of a Unified Chlorine-Ammonia Reaction Model
A model of the reacting aqueous chlorine-ammonia system is proposed which describes equally well the rapid 'breakpoint' oxidation of ammonia or the slow decomposition...

Slow Rate Sand Filtration Using a Zeolite Surface Amendment
The objective of the study was to obtain detailed information regarding amended filter performance at surface loading rates 2 to 4 times higher than standard flow rates. Experiments were...

Meeting Revised Drinking Water Regulations Using Conventional Treatment Methods
This paper discusses the removal efficiency of standard treatment processes for each of the four groups of contaminants. The evaluation of a process's capability to meet the...

Removal of Radon and Uranium from a water supply
The removal of Radon and Radium from drinking water with the help of granulated activated carbon (GAC) adsorption was investigated. A packed bed column was used for the purpose. It has...

Low Head Filtration Removal Efficiencies of Giardia Cysts, Coliform Bacteria, and Turbidity From Low Turbidity Water
The removal of Giardia cysts from low turbidity waters is of great concern in many areas of the United States. A pilot program was undertaken to determine if an established low head filtration...

Incinerating Dioxin Contaminated Waste at the USEPA Combustion Research Facility
The objective of the tests reported herein was to evaluate the incinerability of the toluene stillbottoms by determining whether 99. 9999% DRE could be achieved. All tests were performed...

Power from the Incineration of Wastewater Sludge
The City of Kansas City, Kansas recently completed an upgrading of their existing primary treatment and sludge handling system in preparation for the addition of a high purity oxygen activated...

Trace Toxic Metals Emissions from Hazardous Waste Incinerators
A physical model is proposed in order to explain the vaporization of metals during metallic waste incineration and is based on work performed to investigate inorganic emissions from coal...

Multiple-Hearth and Fluid Bed Sludge Incinerators
This paper presents recommended practices for design and operation of multiple-hearth and fluid bed furnace systems for combustion of sludges in order to eliminate or mitigate the problems...

Detoxifying Metal-Contaminated Solid Wastes by Induced Ion Exchange?A Theoretical Evaluation
The presence of minor amounts of insoluble heavy metal precipitates may render a large body of innocuous solids (say fly ash, soil, calcium carbonate or even biological sludge) potentially...

Application of a Relative Site Ranking Methodology to Regulation of Groundwater Contamination Sites
An assessment methodology for ranking groundwater contamination sites is described. The ranking of nearly 100 actual contamination sites, and the definition and calibration of 'zones...

Remedial Measures for a Creosote Impoundment Closure
In conformance with the 1984 amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Part 264 requirements, Burlington Northern Railroad (BN) constructed a double high density...

Biological Removal of Low Levels of Chlordane
This study investigated the removal of chlordane from a synthetic hazardous waste landfill leachate with chlordane as the only hazardous material. The chlordane concentrations investigated...

Effects of Organic Compounds on the Adsorption and Desorption of Metals in Soils
This study evaluated the adsorption and release rates of toxic metals in a soil system also impacted with organic compounds. The soil type studied is common to hazardous waste sites throughout...

Development of a Rule Based Expert System for Characterization of Hazardous Waste Sites
The area of hazardous waste management is a broad and multidisciplinary field requiring expertise in engineering, geology, chemistry and toxicology, and is an ideal area for the application...

Effect of Wastewater Characteristics on the Sulfide Problem (abstract)
This paper presents an overview of various wastewater characteristics with which the designer should be familiar, and the effect of those characteristics on the sulfide problem, including...





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