Vibration Analysis Using a Parallel Lanczos Method
A parallel eigenvalue solution algorithm, based on the Lanczos method, has been developed, implemented on a Flexible Computer FLEX/32 multi-processor, and applied to an example structural...

Concurrent Nullspace Methods for Multibody Systems
This paper presents a new concurrent multiprocessing algorithm for simulating the dynamics of constrained multibody systems. The systems considered are quite general in nature; they may...

Parallel Algorithms for Structural Optimization Under Dynamic Loading
Parallel algorithms and strategies are outlined for optimal design of frame structures subjected to dynamic earthquake loading. Parallelism is extracted in six areas: substructuring of...

Structural Analysis and Parallel Computers
This paper discusses the implementation of a parallel program that performs a two dimensional rigid frame analysis on a NCUBE/7 hypercube multicomputer. The program was written in C and...

Finite Strip Method in a Parallel Computing Environment
The finite strip method has been used to model many systems in structural mechanics. The orthogonality of appropriately selected shape functions allows a continuous system to be effectively...

STOCAL-II-An Instructional Software for Random Vibrations
STOCAL-II (Computer Assisted Learning of STOchastic methods) is an instructional software for teaching random vibrations and applied stochastic processes. It is based on and is an extension...

Practical Implementation of Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Many techniques for seismic probabilistic risk assessment have been developed by university researchers over the last decade. This paper reports on a study being conducted to determine...

The Role of Decision Rules on Structural Safety Evaluation Systems
Three steps are involved during an assessment procedure. The first step is to make a diagnosis for possible causes of the damage, the second is to perform a qualitative evaluation including...

Experiences with Applications of Importance Sampling in Structural Reliability Computations
This paper presents some experiences and observations relating to the use of importance sampling in structural systems reliability computations. These are presented with three examples,...

Reliability Based Optimal Structural and Mechanical Design
A reliability based optimal design strategy has been developed. Nonlinear limit state functions and nonnormal random variables can be accommodated. For structural systems analysis, a failure...

Statistical Analysis of Occupant Dynamic Loads
Human-induced load-time histories were modeled by several dependent descriptive parameters. These parameters were treated as functions of two independent variables in a multivariate regression...

Parameter Identification in Markov Damage Models
This paper is concerned with the identification of parameters in cumulative damage processes whose underlying statistics are Markov. We consider the problem of parameter estimation during...

Nonstationary Random Vibration with REDUCE
Computerized symbolic algebra, in conjunction with the code REDUCE, is utilized in dealing with nonstationary random vibration of single-degree-of-freedom systems. Application of REDUCE...

Expert Systems for Drought Management: A Case Study
This paper describes the development and application of a computer model used by the Seattle Water Department (SWD) for operations during drought. This model provides guidance for initiating...

Sanitary Sewer Model with Database Management
While numerous water supply and stormwater system models existed, the few sanitary sewer models that were readily available were too simplistic for engineering design and master planning...

Sanitary Sewer System Modeling for Operation and Planning
Development of a Steady State Sanitary Sewer Simulation (S5) computer model helped Newport News, Virginia, enact an efficient sanitary sewer management...

Computer-Aided Wastewater Master Planning
Computerized wastewater collection system modeling is a tool now used by city planners and engineers to efficiently and accurately analyze present and future conditions. Once a model has...

An Intelligent Design Support System for Computer-Aided Site Development
This research proposes an intelligent design support system (DSS) integrated with a CAD environment for building site planning and development. The DSS is used for providing a good initial...

A Rule Based Expert System for Reservoir Operation
Recent advances in artificial intelligence and expert systems development have attracted many scientists and researchers. Reservoir operation is an ideal field for such research due to...

Mass Transport Modeling of Pearl Harbor
The U.S. Navy is planning to implement the use of organotin antifouling paints into the fleet. Such paints are already in use by commercial vessels and private pleasure crafts. As part...





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