Physics-Based Modeling of Lakes, Reservoirs, and Impoundments
This book provides an overview of considerations that apply to modeling flow and transport in lakes, reservoirs, and impoundments using equations based on conservation principles. Specific...

Use of In Situ Tests for Foundation Design on Clay
Years of evaluated experience with the field vane test in soft clays have resulted in empirical correction factors well suited for design practice. An extension of L. Bjerrum's...

Deformation Characteristics of Cohesionless Soils from In Situ Tests
This paper is a summary of seven years experience gained by the National Electricity Board of Italy (ENEL), ISMES and Technological University of Turin in assessing these parameters using...

Pressuremeter and Foundation Design
The design of shallow and deep foundations on the basis of pressuremeter results is analyzed using numerous load tests and case histories. The foundations are shallow footings subjected...

Seismic Cone Penetration Test
A new test, called the seismic cone penetration test (SCPT) is described. A small rugged velocity seismometer has been incorporated into an electronic cone penetrometer. The combination...

In Situ Testing for Lock and Dam 26 Cellular Cofferdam
The in situ testing consisted of split spoon and cone penetration tests, Menard and self-boring pressuremeter tests, and Marchetti dilatometer tests. The testing program proved to be challenging...

Field Permeability Test for Earthen Liners
A sealed double-ring infiltrometer (SDRI) was developed for in-situ measurements of the hydraulic conductivity of earthen liners and covers. The characteristic of the SDRI that distinguishes...

Borehole Shear Test and Slope Stability
Three Iowa landslides analyzed on the basis of Borehole Shear Test (BST) data are reported. The soils included CL and ML loess and glacial till, and CH clay shale. Back-calculations from...

Subsurface Soil Monitoring via Acoustic Emission
Included in this paper is an overview of acoustic emission (AE) monitoring and a brief review of past applications. Focus is then placed on two in-situ geotechnical applications; preconsolidation...

In-Situ Testing of Peat
It is often economical therefore to start geotechnical investigations with a study of maps and serial photographs and to continue with a detailed program of field reconnaissance. Standard...

Pressuremeter Correlations for Preconsolidated Clay
Conventional triaxial compression and consolidation tests are often utilized to obtain parameters for design of foundations. More recently, Menard pressuremeter test results have been...

Ground Improvement Evaluation by In-Situ Tests
The application of in-situ testing to the design and evaluation of a large sand densification project for the Jebba Hydroelectric Development is described. Correlation between the standard...

Reliability of Pile Capacity Assessment by CPT in Overconsolidated Clay
Correlations for unit skin friction and end bearing are established between cone penetration test (CPT) records, triaxial data and a small data base of measured skin friction and end bearing...

Permeability, and the Field Pumping Test
Methods of estimating in situ permeability of soils are discussed including laboratory tests, borehole tests and field pumping tests, with emphasis on the latter. Techniques for designing...

Use of SPT and CPT Tests for Evaluating the Liquefaction Resistance of Sands
A cone penetration test (CPT)-liquefaction resistance relationship has been established using the large body of standard penetration test (SPT) data. Factors for relating CPT tip resistance...

In Situ Testing for Ground Modification Techniques
Presented are the status of three in situ testing techniques in relation to Ground Modification and a general overview of eight Ground Modification methods with case histories and appropriate...

Electrical In Situ Measurements for Predicting Behavior of Soils
A new method is presented for predicting the in situ stress-strain behavior of fine grained soils based upon in situ measurements of its electrical properties. The method involves the...

Comparison of the SPT,CPT, SV and Electrical Methods of Evaluating Earthquake Induced Liquefaction Susceptibility in Ying Kou City During the Haicheng Earthquake
The capability of SPT, CPT, Shear Wave Velocity and Electrical methods to evaluate earthquake induced liquefaction susceptibility of soil deposits consisting of sensitive clayey silts...

Predictions of Pile Shaft Capacity With the PLS Cell
In situ measurements of stresses and pore pressures on a model pile shaft, the Piezo-Lateral Stress (PLS) cell, are utilized to reconstruct the conditions of load tests involving two large...

Flat Dilatometer Tests in Calibration Chambers
This paper presents the results of a series of Flat Marchetti's Dilatometer Tests (DMT's) performed in a large Calibration Chamber (CC) on dry Ticino (TS) and...





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