Ship Wave Prediction for Port and Channel Design
Several laboratory and field investigations of ship-generated waves have been conducted during the past twenty-five years. Typically, for a given ship, reported data consists of the height...

Navigation Channel Design for Safe and Efficient Ship Transit
The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) recently conducted a hydraulic model investigation of the western portion of Cleveland Harbor, Ohio. This study provided data...

Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Tidal Circulation Study
Expansion of harbor facilities frequently involves placement of additional landfill and the deepening of channels and mooring areas. A numerical tidal circulation model was used in the...

Terminal 5 Renovation?Port of Seattle
The Port of Seattle is currently renovating its Terminal 5 facility on the west bank of the Duwamish River on the west side of Harbor Island in Seattle. This paper describes the methods...

Louisiana Avenue Wharf E: Rehabilitate the Existing Wharf into a Container Terminal
The Port of New Orleans is currently modernizing the existing facilities in order to handle the containerized cargos, therefore enabling it to compete with other ports located on the Gulf...

Rehabilitation of Wharf No. 8?Port of Houston
A routine inspection of wharves at the Turning Basin Terminal, uncovered evidence of extensive damage, including evidence that the 30-inch diameter steel pipe piles supporting Wharf No....

Puget Sound Alluvium: A Challenge in Design of Pile Supported Port Facilities with Dredged Slopes
The geotechnical investigation, evaluations, and recommendations for the Port of Seattle Terminal 18/20 Improvement Project are described and compared with observed performance during...

Geotechnical Considerations in the Design of the Wando Terminal Wharf Extension, Charleston, South Carolina
The South Carolina State Ports Authority (SPA) is currently examining construction concepts for the proposed 1,200-foot wharf extension and 40 acres of adjacent upland development at the...

Rehabilitation of Gravity Wharf by Underpinning
The Municipal Wharf at the Port of Providence, Rhode Island, is currently under rehabilitation to accommodate modern trends in marine cargo handling and shipping. The three-phased project...

Channel Design Criteria and the Houston Ship Channel
Channel design literature is reviewed and compared with operational limits currently on the Houston Ship Channel (HSC). It was found that in all aspects of channel design considered (depth,...

Additional Benefits from Channel Improvements
This paper describes techniques used to quantify three types of benefits resulting from enlarging the Houston Ship Channel. These benefit types are vessel casualty reduction, delay reduction...

Analytical and Empirical Methods for Predicting Channel Shoaling
Many techniques have been used in the past to predict the effects of channel enlargement on channel shoaling. These range from rule-of-thumb predictions to elaborate physical model investigations....

National Port Issues
The adequacy of U. S. ports to meet the Nation's present and future needs was evaluated by a Committee of the Marine Board, National Research Council. The changing character...

Capacity Rating of Existing Piers and Wharves
This paper outlines a method for physically surveying the present material condition of existing piers and wharves and assigning to them a safe rated capacity expressed in displacement...

Port of Kismayo (Somalia) Rehabilitation
Extensive deterioration of the 2070 ft long four-berth, marginal wharf at the Port of Kismayo necessitated a major rehabilitation to maintain operations. The selected scheme was a steel...

Overdredging at Existing Gravity Structure
Pacific Elevators Ltd. decided to upgrade Berth No. 2 to handle ships up to 70,000 DWT. The difficulty was to maintain the support of the cribs after dredging of the berth to minus 45...

Underwater Compaction of Sand Fill During Placement
A system and related equipment have been developed, and tested on a recent dredged fill project, to compact sand, either clean or with limited silt, in lifts several feet in thickness...

Seismic Design of Earth Retaining Wharf Structures
Seismic design considerations pertinent to earth retaining wharf structures are reviewed. These considerations include: evaluation of the seismic environment and design earthquake ground...

Marginal Wharf and Embankments?Seismic Design
This paper presents some of the seismic considerations used for the improvements at Berths 225 to 229 at the Port of Los Angeles. The design of the improvements was complicated by the...

Soil-Structure Interaction in Seismic Environments
Soil-structure interaction depends on the mass, stiffness and the damping of the structure as well as on the geometry and embedment of the foundation and on the properties of the soil....





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