The Design of a Permanent Lunar Research Station
The advancement of the United States efforts in space exploration and research requires the establishment of a permanent manned lunar research station. This paper explores the possible...

Construction Challenges on Planetary Surfaces
In July 1989 those who advocate a vigorous U.S. space program received a significant boost from the President's declaration that we should return to the Moon, this time to stay, and then...

Mechanical Properties of Lunar Soil and Simulants
Investigation of the physical and mechanical properties of lunar soil carried out by the USSR and the USA; both in situ and on returned samples, has resulted in considerable information...

Hydrogen Reduction of Lunar Soil and Simulants
Carbotek, Inc., and the Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC) are cooperating on further development of the Carbotek process to produce oxygen from lunar ilmenite by hydrogen...

Steady State Composition with Low Fe?+ Concentrations for Efficient O2 Production by Magma Electrolysis of Lunar Soils
Parameters are estimated for a hypothetical, well stirred, continuous-feed electrolytic cell that converts 20% of a lunar soil feedstock to O2 gas,...

Phased Assembly of a European Space Station
This paper discusses a phased assembly approach for a proposed European Space Station utilising a series of constructional payloads that are delivered to orbit in an established sequence...

Tethers and Their Role in the Space Exploration Initiative
This paper addresses some potential applications for tethers in space, and describes a mission designed to deploy a satellite from a Delta II launch vehicle, by NASA's Small Expendable...

On-Orbit Assembly of Large Space Structures: A Mars Aerobrake Mock-up Study
As design requirements for space structures become larger in dimension, the issues of shipping and assembling these structures in space become more critical. One example of such a structure...

Mechanical Properties of Compacted Lunar Simulant Using New Vacuum Triaxial Equipment
Mechanical stress-strain-strength properties of Arizona Lunar Simulant (ALS) are investigated by using a newly developed vacuum triaxial device that allows compaction under different initial...

Steam Injection System for Lunar Concrete
Since January 1989, the Department of Civil Engineering at the United States Air Force Academy has been conducting research on the use of concrete for constructing permanent facilities...

Robotics in SEI Terrestrial Launch Site Operations
This paper addresses work performed at Rockwell International's Space Systems Division, Downey, California. Future Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) missions will require terrestrial...

A New Era in Space Operations
The United States has embarked on a bold new course in space. We are in the process of deploying global missile defenses which promises to help realize an extended era of international...

SEI In-Space Operations and Support Challenges
The initial architectures and mission concepts for Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) are being studied to expand the manned space exploration capability. To support assessment of operational...

Extraction of Potable Water from Urine for Space Applications
A regenerative technology capable of managing water and wastewater on-board long-term manned space platforms is essential if the Bush Administration's Space Exploration Initiative (SEI)...

Low Frequency Astronomy from Lunar Orbit
The Radio Astronomy Explorer satellite verified that the far-side of the Moon is well shielded from manmade and natural Earth-based interference at frequencies below 30 MHz. Above a few...

Towards a Spacefaring Civilization
Three questions are addressed: (1) Is the U.S. a spacefaring nation? (2) Are we a spacefaring civilization? What are the benefits of being one? If we are not, how do we become one? (3)...

Multiple Booster Spaceports
Multiple Booster Spaceports examined launching an entire class of space boosters, both current and future, from a single spaceport. The United States presently launches four distinct classes...

Launch Facilities as Infrastructure
Many of the launch facilities in this country impose inefficiencies on launch service providers due to the way they have been constructed. To improve launch operation efficiency and to...

The Army Corps of Engineer's (ACE) Interaction with the Mission to Planet Earth Initiative
The Corps of Engineers Research and Development Directorate has identified Mission to Planet Earth Initiative as of possible interest in supporting the non-tactical missions of the Army...

A Vision for Planetary Exploration
The Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) is the latest in a series of endeavors which represent humankind's desire to expand its knowledge and sphere of influence. Throughout recorded history,...





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