Pressurization and Depressurization in Pipe Flows
When a closed conduit drainage system is subjected to variable inflow rates, the change in flow regimes between free surface flow and pressurized flow may take place. A rising hydrograph...

Intakes for Low Head Hydro Plants
The design of hydro intakes is usually based on a desire to achieve low intake losses and an acceptable approach flow distribution to the turbine. Generally, velocities in the intake canal...

Vortices at Vertical Intakes
This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation designed to predict the formation of weak, free-surface vortices at vertical intakes with a headrace channel. A weak vortex...

Data Acquisition in USACRREL'S Flume Facility
A computerized data acquisition system has been developed that is based on a Hewlett-Packard 9845B desktop computer. The system allows determination of highly accurate water temperatures,...

3-D Orthogonal Curvilinear Circulation Modelling
A three-dimensional circulation model has been developed using an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The model as constructed is capable of simulations on a variety of time and...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow, Salinity, Sediment, and Radionuclide Movements in the Hudson River Estuary
The three-dimensional, finite difference model FLESCOT was applied to a 106-km reach of the Hudson River estuary in New York between Chelsea and the mouth of the river. It predicted the...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of a Buoyancy-Driven Cavity Flow
The preliminary results of a numerical investigation of natural convection flow in a three-dimensional cavity heated from below are presented. The transient three-dimensional simulation...

Applications of Discrete-Element Computational Models to Transient, Multi-Dimensional Problems in Hydrology
The direct computer simulation technique, discrete-element method (DEM) was applied in the development of transient, multi-dimensional mathematical models for simulating hydrologic conditions...

Two-Dimensional Flow Visualization Using the Vortex Computer Code
A computer code has been developed to provide visualization of flow fields with regard to many hydraulic engineering design and analysis problems. The finite-difference computer code VORTEX...

Data Acquisition and Analysis of Pressure Fluctuations in Hydraulic Jumps
The paper reports on a study to procure basic data on large pressure fluctuations in hydraulic jump stilling basins. Interest in pressure fluctuations relates to: the effect of dynamic...

Landfill Liner Hydraulics for Microcomputers
Two different models are presented for the study of sloping bottom liners for landfills. The first is based on the assumption that the leachate volume is uniformly distributed over the...

Flood Routing Through Rock Dumps in Natural Channels
The paper deals with flow through rockfill to analyze the problem of flood routing through large masses of waste rock from mining operations dumped in natural channels. Rock dumps in ephemerous...

Water System Analysis?Modeling Hydraulics
The work described in this paper is part of the planning and design effort for expanding and improving the water supply system for St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana. The parish is...

The U.S.G.S. Modular Ground-Water Flow Model: Designed to be Understood and Adapted
The paper discusses a carefully designed model program and its complementary complete description of all of the physical and mathematical concepts used in the model. The model program...

Applicability of Groundwater Models to Microcomputers
Microcomputers represent a viable alternative to mainframe and minicomputers for the implementation of groundwater models. The criteria used to evaluate microprocessors are maximum addressable...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Two-Fluid Movement in Porous Media Using the Boundary Element Method
The paper discusses three-dimensional problems that include a denser fluid overlain by water in an unconfined aquifer. The two fluid regions are bounded by two-dimensional surfaces, including...

Generation of Steady Density Currents Through Boundary Layer Control
The paper reports on a study to explore the conditions that trigger bifurcation of ambient flow/intrusion interaction into one of two drastically different regimes, i. e. current versus...

Hydraulics of Broad Crested Weirs
The paper presents a general, basic discussion of the title subject. It begins with a definition for the broad crested weir and analytical concepts. Subjects covered subsequently include...

Velocity Distribution Factor Constraints
It has been customary to introduce the velocity distribution factors alpha and beta into the energy and momentum equations so as to avoid the integration associated with variations in...

Automated Measurement of Soil/Water Properties
An automated data-acquisition system was constructed to permit continuous operation of laboratory equipment. The apparatus was used to monitor flow through fine-grained, 'undisturbed'...





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