Channels and Groundwater: The Hydraulic Connection
Hydraulic connection between surface and groundwater implies that surface water can seep into the ground (transmission losses from open channels, for example) and eventually become or...

Texas Ground Water Law
Groundwater in Texas is generally considered the property of the surface owner, subject to the rule of capture. This English common law standard was developed at a time when the movement...

The Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area
The Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio area is a highly productive groundwater system consisting of the Edwards Plateau water table aquifer and the Edwards Balcones fault zone artesian...

Institutional Arrangements for Coastal Resource Management in Developed and Developing Countries
This paper presents a condensation of the 165-page book, Institutional Arrangements for Management of Coastal Resources, the first in the Renewable Resources Information Series prepared...

Coastal Monitoring in Florida
There are numerous erosion control and inlet sand transfer projects, both publicly and privately financed, along eroded or eroding shores throughout the State of Florida. The Florida Department...

Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects
In the United States, construction of public works to develop water resources is the responsibility of the Army Corps of Engineers. These works include projects to improve ocean and coastal...

The Role of Contingency Planning in the Management of National Marine and Estuarine Sanctuaries
The utility of planned response mechanisms or contingency plans in the maintenance and/or restoration of a desired state or condition in a resource or management system is acknowledged...

What's Going on with Federal Consistency?
The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (the CZMA, Pub. Law 92-583, as amended) establishes a national program to promote the wise use and protection of coastal land and water resources....

Prior Planning for Post-Hurricane Reconstruction
Planning for hurricane emergencies has focused upon the period immediately before and after the storm's arrival, emphasizing evacuation and disaster relief. Mitigation of...

An Ecological PlanningApproach to the Development of Local Critical Area Plans
The findings of the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP), a five year Environmental Protection Agency research effort, depict a complex estuarine ecosystem in decline. Forty separate research...

Attitudes of Decision Makers in the Great Lake States Regarding Large-Scale Diversions
The issue of diversion has motivated leaders in the Great Lake states to hold conferences, sign resolutions, and create a task force to discuss the ways in which the region can prohibit...

Analysis of Virginia's Local Wetlands Boards
The Commonwealth of Virginia's system of managing its wetlands resources through local Wetlands Boards comprised of citizen volunteers is reviewed. The differences among boards...

Constraints on the Use of Development Management to Reduce Coastal Storm Hazards
This paper has presented some important information about perceived constraints to the enactment and effective implementation of development management measures to reduce coastal storm...

Improved Evaluation of the Federal CZM Program
The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) of 1972 created a federal coastal zone management program by providing funds to states to voluntarily develop and implement plans for the management...

The Protection and Management of Cultural Resources Through State Coastal Management Programs?A North Carolina Case Study
North Carolina's coastal management program attempts to protect and manage a broad spectrum of the state's coastal resources. These resources range from valuable...

The Failure of Section 312 of the CZMA
Coastal Zone Management Act, as amended, provides for a continuing evaluation of a state's Coastal Zone Management Program. This paper reviews the history and evolution of...

Coastal Resource Management: The Ecosystem Perspective
A definite need exists to generate coastal management strategies that focus upon integration of the complex interactions between biological, physical, chemical, and geological processes...

A Comprehensive Planning Approach for the Conservation of Coastal Resources at the Local Level
The recent rapid growth of New Hanover County in coastal North Carolina has created the classic dilemma of an environmentally attractive locality attempting to accommodate desirable growth...

Application of Estuarine Habitat Models in Alabama
The development of quantitative impact assessment methods over the past decade has improved our ability to identify environmental losses and recommend appropriate compensation measures...

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Ocean Monitoring Program?An Introduction to Environmental Aspects of the Engineering Design Process
A model describes how determinations can be made on the effects of an engineered work or product in the environment. The engineered work can be a new waterway, a wastewater diffuser system,...





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