A Structural System Reliability Analysis of Jacket Using an Improved Truss Model
An improved truss model for structural system reliability analysis of jacket structures is presented. The efficiency of the model makes it possible to carry out a large amount of ultimate...

Efficient Structural System Reliability Assessment by Monte-Carlo Methods
Monte Carlo methods can be used to good advantage since the required probability of failure is formulated as a multi-dimensional integral of the probability density function of the basic...

Assessment of Safety of Existing Buildings Using Fuzzy Set Theory
In this paper, an approach to estimate structural safety which may serve as a bridge between the theoretical and empirical approaches is explored. The new method combines subjective judgment...

Integrating Expert Opinion for Assessing Structural Performance
Many experts use linguistic values when expressing their judgment on structural performance. The concept of fuzzy sets is used in this paper to obtain consistent measures of values provided...

On the Failure Probabilities of R/C Chimneys
A procedure to estimate failure probabilities of structural systems such as reinforced concrete (R/C) chimneys under severe wind loading which allows for considering realistic correlation...

Reliability of Redundant Structures Under Time Varying Loads
Time-variant system reliability methods under Poisson pulse load processes are presented. Direct simulations based on incremental truss analyses are also performed. Small displacement...

Load Path Dependence of Structural Systems
This paper presents the results of an investigation into the sensitivity of the behavior of framed structures to load path. Simple but realistic structural steel frames have been designed...

System Reliability Using Higher-Order Moments
A method is proposed for evaluating the reliability of structural systems using higher-order moments. The higher-order moment standardization technique (HOMST) is advanced for transforming...

Probabilistic Concepts of Redundancy and Damage Tolerability for Structural Systems
Intermediate states of structural systems (prior to system collapse and after component loss) are focused herein. This area relates to important issues such as redundancy and damage tolerability....

Study of Redundancy in Near-Ideal Parallel Structural Systems
In this paper the reliability of parallel structural systems is studied in order to begin to understand and quantify the system factors influencing the overload capacity and the redundancy...

Reliability of Identical Brittle Parallel System
The failure path of a system can be investigated through the use of a failure graph, which is a directed graph of all possible sequences of element failures. This paper describes the development...

A New Formulation for Structural Reliability of Parallel Systems
Presented is a realistic method to calculate the reliability of a parallel structural system. The present theory considers that each element of a parallel system may have different reliability...

Reliability Analysis of Continuous Beam and Frame Structural Systems
In this paper, by adopting the cross sections where plastic hinges form as the analysed units, the problem of structure system reliability of continuous beam and simple frame is discussed....

A Strategy for the Reliability Analysis of Complex Structural Systems
A general strategy to estimate the failure probability of the class of structural systems for which each deterministic structural analysis is expensive is proposed. The strategy is interactive,...

Revised Failure-Conditioned Reliability Index
The authors have developed the failure-conditioned reliability index to estimate the probability of intersection of correlated normal variates. The index makes use of the mean and standard...

Random Instability of Elastic-Plastic Frames
A concept of joint probability of elastic and plastic instability modes was formerly given for single columns and now it is extended for framed systems. A critical load is defined for...

An Extension of Iterative Fast Monte-Carlo (IFM) Procedure and its Applications to Time-Variant Structural Reliability Analysis
An efficient sampling procedure which is applicable to time-variant as well as time-invariant structural reliability problems is proposed. First, the concept of the conditional failure...

Structural Failure Probabilities of the HDR-Containment Under Earthquake Loading
A computational procedure for the evaluation of structural failure probabilities due to earthquake loading is developed. Uncertainties in structural and material parameters are taken into...

Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Industrial R/C Chimneys
Gust response factors (GRF) based on nonlinear dynamic analysis including the P? effect are calculated. All sample structures analyzed show clearly that, for wind speeds exceeding the...

Application of Probabilistic Methods in Construction Industry
Recent attempts for theoretical development and engineering application of probabilistic methods, which have been carried out in a Japanese engineering and construction company, are summarized....





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