Civil Engineering History Gives Valuable Lessons
Many students, and others, feel the study of engineering history is a frill. Not so, this article suggests. A study of the past can give an engineer better ideas on how to solve a new...

Urban Freeways and Changing Social Values
One key reason for undertaking the $90 billion Interstate Highway System �even though the name may not so indicate? was traffic congestion in and near cities. The intercity segments of...

Interstate Squeezes through River Gorge
The Virgin River Gorge in northern Arizona, a designated wilderness area, now contains one of the most beautiful and spectacular segments of our Interstate Highway System. Interstate 15,...

8-Story Building Moved to Avoid Wrecker's Ball
In Bogota, Colombia, a 7000 ton (15400kips) was moved almost 100 ft (30 m) to make way for a much needed highway arterial. Instead of wrecking the structure, an apartment building in a...

Short Span Bridges
Short span bridges, seemingly simple and innocuous structures, in fact embody many interesting problems and developments: The need to replace hundreds of thousands of bridges (safety and...

Reinforced Earth Bridges Highway Sinkhole
Faced with an unusual sinkhole condition, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation decided to utilize a two-way reinforced earth slab in conjunction with a subsurface grouting program...

News in Bridge Decks
This is the second of two articles on short span bridges. The first, in the July issue, described cost-cutting ideas in design. This article focuses on bridge decks: expansion joints,...

Tackling Major Highway Landslides in the Tennessee Mountains
Interstate 40, running through Tennessee's rugged Smoky Mountains, has been damaged in several places by major landslides. As illustrated by several case histories in this...

Salt Damaged Bridge Decks: Cathodic Helps
Cathodic protection of bridge decks against spalling caused by deicing salts has been demonstrated effective in decks already damaged. Construction of new decks may use other means to...

Los Angeles Tackles Freeway Congestion
In some 50 miles of Los Angeles freeway, the California Division of Highways is taking a systematic approach to eliminating traffic congestion. The actions include: changeable message...

Reinforced Earth: A New Alternative for Earth Retention Structures
Using a variety of projects as examples, the authors demonstrate the versatility of the patented Reinforced EarthTM...

Citizen Participation: Assessing Public Attitudes
One of a short series of articles how to achieve effective citizen participation. A case history approach is used focusing on a proposed highway relocation in Ottowa, Canada. Techniques...

Practical Proposal for Restoring Manhattan's West Side Highway
New York City's West Side Highway is an elevated roadway running along the west edge of Manhattan, adjacent to the once booming piers along the Hudson River. When opened in...

Computerized Traffic Signals; Good for My City�
Good question. The answer is, It depends. On freeways, some computer-controlled on-ramp signals are dramatically speeding rush-hour traffic. The situation is more complicated when you...

OTA: Mixing Technology and National Goals
The need has developed for a broad multidisciplinary capability to assess technology, that is, to develop valid information about probable consequences, beneficial, harmful, or uncertain....

Assessment of Resources and Needs in Highway Technology Education
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference held at Franklin Pierce College, Rindge, New Hampshire, July 14-19, 1974. Sponsored by the Engineering Foundation Conferences. Assessment...

Accommodation of Utility Plant Within the Rights-of-Way of Urban Streets and Highways
Manual of Improved Practice
The American Public Works Association and the American Society of Civil Engineers have attempted through this manual, Accommodation of Utility Plant within the Rights-of-Way...

Specialty Conference on Metal Bridges
The objective of the Specialty Conference on Metal Bridges was to present recent developments from research and practice to practicing structural engineers and to researchers. The sessions...

Planning and Design of Tall Buildings
Tall Building System and Concepts
Proceedings of the International Conference on Planning and Design of Tall Buildings, held at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, August 21-26, 1972. Sponsored by the American...

Planning and Design of Tall Buildings
Introduction, Conference Record, Indexes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Planning and Design of Tall Buildings, held at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, August 21-26, 1972. Sponsored by the American...





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