Structural Dynamics in Hurricanes and Tornadoes
The random fluctuations of wind gusts produce dynamic interaction with structures. The objectives of this paper are to identify distinguishing differences in hurricane and tornado winds...

Engineering Laboratories' Role in Quality
Quality construction of a quality design is one goal which Owners, Design Professionals, and Contractors can all agree is needed if the project is to be truly successful. The Engineering...

It's Only Visual Inspection (Welding Inspection)
Unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents, Visual Inspection will be performed on all fabrication/erection welding for projects that utilize the Specifications for the Design,...

Development of Second Generation Plasticized Sulfur Binders as a Paving Material
Plasticized sulphur is produced when melted sulphur is reacted with selected hydrocarbons to produce polysulfides. These polysulfides help retain a 'polymeric'...

Procedures for Predicting Settlements in Sands
In many cases, the prediction of settlements of footings on sands involves use of empirical rules. Although many approaches are reported in the literature, the relative accuracy of these...

Settlement of Light Buildings on Loose Sand
This paper reviews several cases of settlement of lightly loaded structures supported on granular soils. The concept of settlement ratio is presented. Measurements indicate that the settlement...

Pressuremeter and Shallow Foundations on Sand
The settlement and bearing capacity rules for the design of shallow foundations on sands using the results of pressuremeter tests are reviewed. The results of four footing tests to failure...

Structural Settlements at a Major Power Plant
The foundation design for the Intermountain Generating Station was based on comprehensive geotechnical investigations that included cone penetrometer tests, borings, pressuremeter tests,...

Settlement of a Reactor Containment on Sand
In this paper, predicted and observed settlements are presented for the reactor containment structure of the Beaver Valley Power Station - Unit 2, Shippingport, Pennsylvania. The Beaver...

Dynamic Response Correlation Using Simplified Models
A simplified model for building response which has a W. Ramberg-W. R. Osgood hysteresis is developed in a discrete sense. It is then used to evaluate the response of an instrumented, bearing...

Large Scale Testing Facility for the Evaluation of Structural Systems Under Critical Loads
The Charles Lee Powell Structural Systems Laboratory at the University of California, San Diego, provides, with a 50 ft. high reaction strong wall and a 120 multiplied by 50 ft. box girder...

A Recommended Federal Action Plan for Reducing Earthquake Hazards of Existing Buildings
In September 1985 a Five-Year Plan for reducing earthquake hazards of existing buildings was submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This plan, prepared by the Applied Technology...

Performance of an Earthquake Excited Roof Diaphragm
The objective of this paper is to study the earthquake performance of the roof diaphragm of the West Valley College gymnasium in Saratoga, California through a complete set of acceleration...

Experimental Studies, Structural Design and Full-Scale Measurements for the Columbia Seafirst Center
The Columbia Seafirst Center is a 76-story office tower located in downtown Seattle, Washington. It rises to a height of about 940 feet above ground and is the world's 10th...

Comparison of Predicted and Measured Dynamic Behavior of Allied Bank Plaza
Structural engineering aspects of a monitoring program to measure Allied Bank Plaza tower's dynamic response to wind are presented. In particular, field data developed during...

Damping in Tall Buildings: Its Variability and Treatment in Design
Increasingly, damping is being recognized as an important factor in the design of structures. It is at the same time a property which is relatively poorly defined, more acquired than engineered...

Damping Systems to Limit the Motion of Tall Buildings
Two types of damping systems have been used successfully in building applications - the Tuned Mass Damper, and Viscoelastic Damping Units. In the past, Tuned Mass Dampers were used in...

Design of Viscoelastic Dampers for Columbia Center Building
To reduce the dynamic response of a building with a given height and plan area to wind load, aside from inherent damping of the building, the designer has a few options available to him/her....

Performance of Viscoelastic Structural Dampers for the Columbia Center Building
Vibratory motion of structures such as buildings, bridges, and floors can be reduced by the use of viscoelastic (V. E. ) dampers. Such dampers transfer part of the vibratory energy of...

Reshaping Providence
By moving railroad tracks, river banks and several roadways, Providence, Rhode Island is reclaiming some 45 acres in its downtown and capital districts. This public works package is the...





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