Green's Function Implementation for Pile Analysis
This paper describes the implementation of a new Green's function based on a layer stiffness approach in a boundary element analysis of harmonically loaded pile groups embedded...

Soil-Structure Interaction on Structural Dynamics
The dynamic analysis of structures under the effect of soil-structure interaction and the effect of member axial force is based on the continuous mass matrix method, in which the equations...

Comparative Seismic Response of Damped Braced Frames
The behaviours of braced steel building frames with friction joints and with eccentric bracing, under seismic forces, are compared. Nonlinear time history dynamic analysis is used. Friction...

Vibrations of Submerged Solids in a Vibrating Container
Dynamic forces on a vibrating submerged solid cylinder in both closed and open-top rectangular containers are evaluated. The submerged cylinder is attached to the base of a dynamically-excited...

Modified Dynamic Condensation Method
This paper presents a modification of the Dynamic Condensation Method for the reduction or condensation of problems in structural dynamics. The proposed modification substantially reduces...

Diffraction Forces on Axisymmetric Bodies
Use of a Green function satisfying the governing differential equation and all boundary conditions except those on the boundary of the structure yields an integral equation, when these...

Effect of Seismic Wave Inclination on Structural Response
A new procedure is developed using the computer program SASSI to evaluate the effects of inclined propagating shear waves on three-dimensional seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI)...

Approximate Solutions for Layered Foundations
A simple approximation to the dynamic response of foundations resting on layered soil profiles is presented. The approximation is based on an equivalent radiation damping which is numerically...

Soil-Structure Interaction at the Waterfront
In 1981 the Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory (NCEL) undertook a review of available material models. Comparison was made between test data and model predictions. Based on this study,...

Interaction Effects in Vertically Excited Steel Tanks
Following a brief review of the hydrodynamic effects induced by a vertical component of ground shaking in liquid-filled, circular, cylindrical, steel tanks that are rigidly supported at...

Nonlinear Response Combination in Seismic Analysis
Simple, approximate methods are developed to evaluate the maxima of response measures which are nonlinear functions of modal responses to seismic input. Examples for such response quantities...

Modal Analysis of Random Vibration with Hysteresis
A model for the zero or non-zero mean random vibration response of hysteretic plane frames is summarized, in which the plane frame is idealized as a series of elastic sub-elements connected...

Random Vibration of Mass-Loaded Rectangular Plates
The classical method of separation of variables in conjunction with the Green's function of the vibrating plate is used to obtain the solution of the free vibration problem...

Dynamic Response Moments of Random Parametered Structures with Random Excitation
First and second order statistical response moments are formulated for linear multi-degree of freedom dynamical systems having both random load and random structural characteristics. A...

Stochastic Response for Tertiary Systems
A modal superposition method is presented for obtaining the response of a single-degree-of-freedom tertiary subsystem mounted on a primary-secondary system. The method is direct in that...

Rigid Body Random Rocking Prediction
The stochastic rocking of a rigid block due to shaking of its foundation is examined. The foundation is flexible (Winkler) and its independent springs and dashpots separate from the block...

Dynamic Response of Systems with Uncertain Properties
This paper addresses the methodology for determining the response of a structure modelled as single-degree-of-freedom system whose mass, damping and stiffness parameters are known only...

Stochastic Response of Structures with Appendages Containing Fluids
Following a perturbation technique a procedure is developed to compute the modal properties of a system consisting of a fluid containing appendage attached to a multi-degree-of-freedom...

Response of Embedded Foundations: A Hybrid Approach
A hybrid approach to study the dynamic through-the-soil coupling between adjacent foundations embedded in a uniform soil model when subjected to harmonic external forces and seismic excitation...

Modeling for Finite-Element Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis
The modeling for finite-element soil-structure interaction analysis for embedded structures is evaluated in an attempt to resolve the issue related to the elevation at which design ground...





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