Acidity and Chemistry of Arizona's Snowpacks
Acid snow, the frozen version of the acid rain phenomena, has been sampled in several western states, e.g., California, Nevada, Montana, and Oregon. Measurements of snowpack acidity in...

Overland Flow Resistance Estimation from Small-Plot Data
The correct application of physical process models, such as the kinetic wave approximation to shallow overland flow, is dependent upon selection of appropriate values for parameters which...

Parameter Sensitivity of a Non-Linear, Process-Based Soil Erosion Model
Process-based, parameter distributed models have become widely accepted tools to predict the impacts of land use changes. Unfortunately these computer models are becoming more complex...

Estimating Watershed Runoff fro Lightning Data?A Case History
A major problem in the application of hydrologic models to ungaged watersheds is the lack of necessary rainfall data. In most cases watersheds gaged for streamflow have no or only one...

Sediment Entrapment by Stream Channel Vegetation
Degraded headwater streams are common in the mountainous West. They have experienced a variety of stresses from public and private uses and will require specific management consideration...

Optimizing Steady Point/Non-point Waste and Nutrient Loading to Streams
A simulation/optimization (S/O) model is presented for optimizing pollutant loading to a stream while adequately protecting surface water quality. The S/O model represents surface water...

Primary Metals and Criteria for Water use in the Columbia River, British Columbia
We assessed primarily concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and water hardness in the Columbia River between Birchbank and Waneta. Water quality in this reach of the river is affected...

Modeling Water Table Response to Climate Change in a Norther Minnesota Peatland
Projections of global warming raise questions concerning the fate of wetlands in many parts of the world. In northern Minnesota, there is concern that the nearly 3 million hectares of...

How is the Water Quality Affected by Droughts?
The moving average method was applied to daily time series of water quality and flow data obtained from a stream gaging station affected by the 1988 drought in the midwest of the United...

Estimating Runoff from Precipitation and Temperature
Increasing demands for water and the global climate change resulting from the CO2 buildup in the atmosphere require an improved evaluation of surface-water...

Characterization of Thunderstorm Rainfall for Hydrologic Modeling
Rainfall and runoff records for 30 events from a 630-hectare subwatershed on the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in southeastern Arizona were used to estimate the desirable...

Point Precipitation Models to Simulate Water Balance at a Constructed Wetland
We compare two point precipitation models in a water balance simulation performed at a wetland constructed to treat municipal wastewater. The first precipitation model uses a simple Poisson...

Watershed Simulation for Characterizing Droughts Under the Influence of Climate Change
The paper describes a model for simulating soil moisture deficit on a daily basis using historical rainfall and climatic data for the analysis of droughts. Distributed parameter hydrologic...

Application of Distributed Parameter Watershed Model for Determining the Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources
Projected scenarios of climate change are likely to have significant effects on hydrology and water resources in the semi-arid western United States. The paper describes the application...

Climate Change: Is Trouble Ahead for Water Engineers?
Very long range forecasts of future global warming from 2 to 5?C have been made as a result of the increase in carbon dioxide and trace gases in the atmosphere due to man's activities....

The Integration and Management of Ground- and Surface-Water Resources for Drought Response in New Castle County, Delaware
This paper reports on a program for the integration and management of ground- and surface-water resources for drought management purposes in the southeastern area of the Commonwealth of...

Controlled Versus Conventional Drainage Effects on Water Quality
Fertilized cropland is a nonpoint source of nitrogen and phosphorus which can contribute to nutrient enrichment problems prevalent in many surface water ecosystems. Research has shown...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Great Lakes and Cornbelt States
The soils and the climate of the Great Lakes and Cornbelt states dictate that drainage is required to carry out economically viable farming activities. When drained, the soils are very...

Effects of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Gulf Coastal Region
Sediment and nutrient (N, P, K) losses were measured from research plots with surface drainage only and from plots with both surface and subsurface drainage for all or part of the decade,...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Mid-Atlantic States
Agricultural drainage development in the form of drainage alone and controlled drainage-subirrigation (CD-SI) has created conflicts with environmental concerns. Most concerns the lack...





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