Construction on Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Coast
This paper provides a preliminary evaluation of a set of 100 residential properties along Wisconsin's Lake Michigan coast; an examination of the vulnerability of coastal homes and adequacy...

Design Considerations for Small Artificial Islands in Franks Tract, California
Small, artificially-created islands may provide significant recreation and habitat benefits. Costs, however, can also be high. The initial dollar cost of creating an artificial island,...

Application of a Dolos Structural Design Procedure
Dolos concrete armor units are widely used to protect coastal structures. New developments in armor unit strength design permit the armor unit designer to optimize the dolos parameters...

Remote Automated Wave and Water Level Monitoring System Deployed at Agat Harbor, Guam
Agat Harbor, Guam is a small boat harbor excavated from a coral reef flat and protected by a detached breakwater. An automated monitoring system was designed and installed to observe wave...

Environmental Effects of Beaufort Sea Causeways
Two gravel-fill causeways have been constructed into the shallow nearshore Beaufort sea on the north coast of Alaska for the development of petroleum reservoirs. These long (4-8 km) structures...

Environmental Constraints Associated with Dredging in Southern California
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for the maintenance dredging of twelve harbors along the Southern California coast, ranging from Morro Bay in the...

Sandbridge Virginia Oceanfront Seawall Arbitration Hearing: Some Lessons Learned for Coastal Engineers
A group of beach property homeowners claimed that their new oceanfront seawall was defective in design. A beefed-up design cost about $1.3 million more and they sought this amount from...

Our Aging Coastal Infrastructure
The River and Harbor Act of 26 May 1824, signed by President James Monroe, authorized the first involvement of the United States Federal government in the construction of harbor works...

Should the U.S. Accept the Concept of Navigable Depth?
Navigable depth is defined as the maximum depth of water from the chart datum that is safe to accept as the bed of the channel, such that damage does not occur to a ship's hull and maneuverability...

GIS: New York's Pipe Dream
To be of any use to managers, infrastructure data must be compiled in a form they can use. The answer for the 1990s is a geographic information system that electronically combines data...

Double Diamonds: New Brand for a Texas Bridge
Double diamond towers, distinctive as a cattle brand but tall as a 44 story building, have reached landmark status on the Texas Gulf Coast even though the bridge they will carry won't...

Bayesian Reliability Updating of Existing Steel Girder Bridges
Bayesian statistics is used to update the reliability of existing composite steel girder bridges. A 60 ft. long simply supported superstructure is considered. The reliability for the ultimate...

Two Basic Concepts in Offshore Engineering
Two concepts are developed which lead to an improved understanding of the characteristics of the wave forces that act on deep-water, jacket-type offshore structures. The first concept...

Densification/Creep Behavior of Experimental Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of High-Level Calcined Waste at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
A mixture of simulated high-level calcined waste (HLW) and Frit additives was hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) to a dense glass-ceramic waste form. A densification mapping software was...

Multiple Modes of Steady-State Slide-Rock Response
The dynamic response of free standing rigid bodies to base excitation can be quite complex, as evidenced by the five motions or modes to be considered in a two-dimensional analysis: rest,...

Wind Effect on Oblique Motion of Two Bodies in a Uniform Flow
The wind effect on the general translational motion of a circular cylinder through an inviscid and incompressible fluid, conveyed by a uniform flow at infinity, in the vicinity of another...

The Generalized Brazier Problem for Orthotropic Straight Tubes of Finite Length
A new engineering approach, based upon a mixed variational functional, is presented for the analysis of the nonlinear static behavior of thin-walled, circular-cross-section cylindrical...

Mechanics of Granular Materials at Very Low Effective Stress Levels
Gravity's influence on laboratory specimens of uncemented granular materials subjected to low effective stresses, makes it impossible to evaluate constitutive properties in an unambiguous...

Stability of Beams in Eccentrically Braced Frames
As the link yields and strain hardens in an eccentrically braced frame, the beam segment-outside of the link is subject to a combination of high axial force and bending moment. For certain...

Lunar Habitats?Places for People
As part of President George Bush's Space Exploration Initiative, lunar bases or habitats are envisioned for long-term habitation by humans. This paper presents factors that should be considered...





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