Rail and Road Traffic Continue During Bridge Modification
The crossing of Route 15 under the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bridge, Bangor, Maine had limited sight distance and marginal clearances. Maine Department of Transportation, therefore,...

Civil Engineering: At the Center of Technology for Tomorrow
Between now and the year 2000 civil engineers have the opportunity, perhaps more than any other profession, to help create the monuments of our civilization. This will involve projects...

Seismic Design for Sacramento Light Rail Transit System
The Sacramento Light Rail Transit Project is an 18. 5 mile system which provides the trunk line service for an integrated Bus/LRT public transportation system. Seismic design utilized...

Seismic Design of Underground Structures Southern California Metro Rail Project
The effect of earthquakes on underground structures is the imposition of an arbitrary deformation which cannot be changed by strengthening the structure. The structural design goal is...

Project Management for Company Growth and Success
Many skills are not included in the technical training of an engineer; thus, it is not surprising that technical managers may not be good project managers. Activities outside one's...

Water for Resource Development
The primary goal of these proceedings is to provide an awareness of the many areas of resource development in which hydraulic engineering plays a key role. The papers cover a variety of...

Infrastructure Research Needs
ASCE and the National Science Foundation sponsored a workshop on infrastructure research needs. Highlights are summarized. It was agreed that far too little money is spent on infrastructure...

Turbidity Generated by a Model Cutterhead Dredge
The study of turbidity generation indicates that, in general, turbidity increases with an increase in the cutter speed and an increase in the cutter swing velocity. A silt curtain deployed...

Toxic Contaminant Uptake in Dredged Sediment Marshes
Dredged sediments from the proposed enlargement of the Lower Mississippi River from Venice, Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico would be primarily utilized to create up to 28,000 hectares...

Aquaculture in Dredged Material Containment Areas
The beneficial use of active dredged material containment areas through aquaculture appears to offer, under certain circumstances, benefits to the Federal government, municipal and industrial...

Sediment Resuspension Due to Dredging and Storms: An Analogous Pair
The physics of resuspension is represented by the response of the sediment to an applied stress, either dredging operations or storm winds. In either case, once the sediments are mixed...

Effects of Dredging and Dredge Spoil Disposal on Fisheries Resources in the New York State Barge Canal
The New York State Department of Transportation initiated a study in the summer of 1982 in the New York State Barge (Erie) Canal in the vicinity of Rochester, N. Y. The purpose of the...

Sediment Resuspension from Dredging Activities
Dredges are a logical choice for removing contaminated sediments from our Nation's waterways. Historically, the dredging industry has emphasized increased production in an...

Dredge Cutterhead Flow Processes
Feasibility studies of new dredge intake and cutterhead shielding techniques were conducted to improve hydraulic cutterhead dredge performance. Simple modification of the suction mouth...

Effects of High Sediment Concentrations on Velocity and Sediment Distributions
Several classifications are required to describe sediment-transporting flow. The flow may be turbulent or laminar, Newtonian or non-Newtonian, and may also have a uniform or nonuniform...

High Sediment Concentrations Require High In-Channel/Supply of Sediment
Flows with high sediment concentrations (greater than 10 percent by weight) most commonly occur either as debris flows in steep channels throughout the world, or as hyperconcentrated flows...

Flow Parameters of Fluid Mud
A set of small-scale, high-resolution velocity and stress sensors based on rugged metal-clad hot wires and epoxy-encapsulated hot films is to be evaluated for its performance characteristics...

Effects of Fines in Gravel Bed Streams Behavior
A model-gravel bed stream is studied in the laboratory. Flow visualization of bedload motion correlates with bursting phenomena near the bed. The bedload variation as a result of the addition...

Movement of Tractive Sediment from Disturbed Lands
The Smoky Creek basin of the coal area of northeastern Tennessee shows extensive evidence of tractive movement of coarse sediment from mined tributary basins into the main channel. Coal-rich...

Numerical Model of Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 26
Replacement work was initiated in November 1979. The first stage cofferdam constricted about half of the river channel. As a result, the flow velocity at the constriction increased causing...





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