Freudenthal Lecture Developments in Structural Reliability
Rather than reviewing the details of developments in structural reliability theory and its implementation over the last few decades, more recent and more relevant reliability issues are...

Reliability of Large Technological Systems
Codes and regulations regarding large technological systems of growing complexity should take into account the increasingly sophisticated analysis tools that have been and are being developed...

Man and Huge System Interaction
In many cases of disaster, the causes of failure of huge systems are frequently attributed to human error. However human is liable to error. To exclude human factor from a huge system...

Probabilistic Assessment of Wind Loading For Structural Analysis
Records of extreme annual gust velocities from 11 weather stations in central-southern Brazil, classified according to orientation (octants) and type of storm (TS and EPS winds), result...

Wind-Induced Response of Torsionally Coupled Buildings
This paper summarizes the results of a comprehensive three-dimensional dynamic analysis of tall buildings subjected to fluctuating wind forces. Random vibration theory is used to relate...

Reliability Analysis in Estimating Turbulent Wind Force on Offshore Structures
This paper presents the results of a reliability analysis carried out to estimate low frequency turbulent wind drag force (including extreme values) acting on a floating offshore structure....

Identification of Critical Load Distributions for Wind Loading
For practical application as well as for sophisticated investigations, the time dependent stochastic wind process has to be simplified in terms of input data to the calculation. Usually,...

Optimal Distribution of Tuned Mass Dampers in Wind-Sensitive Structures
Modern high-rise buildings are susceptible to excessive accelerations at the upper floors in wind storms due to flexibility and low damping. In order to keep acceleration levels below...

Buffeting Response of Bridges
The present study provides a theoretical analysis of the behavior of the response of long-span bridges to turbulent wind loads in the region of stable motion. The analysis is based on...

Reliability of Overhead Transmission Lines Subjected to Wind Action
The probability distribution of the strength of steel towers used in transmission lines, due to wind excitation, is evaluated on the basis of test results of 72 towers of various designs,...

Fully Nonlienar Models to Simulate Structural Response to Wind Loading
The paper summarizes some results of the analyses of two tall broadcasting towers, obtained by means of a specially developed numerical procedure taking into account all relevant nonlinear...

Safety Analysis of Steel Building Frames Under Dynamic Wind Loading
A method is presented for evaluating the lifetime risk of failure, in terms of probability of excessive inter-floor deflection, for a class of steel building frames subjected to dynamic...

Spectral Analysis and Fatigue Reliability Assessment for Offshore Structures
This paper presents a cumulative fatigue damage formulation in stochastic variable space using bilinear SN model and the Palmgren-Miner's rule for evaluating the fatigue reliability...

Response Surface Fitting in Offshore Structural Design
Failure probability estimation of complex offshore structures requires the modeling of the system behavior in terms of all uncertain parameters. This paper investigates the applicability...

Collision Risk Analysis Fixed Platform and Semisubmersible
This paper summarizes the North Sea experience pertaining to mooring line failures of conventional 8 and 12 anchor line systems. Mooring system calculations, experience and test results...

Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Marine Structures Under Random Wave Loads
A simple nonlinear dynamic structure/ship model is combined with a filtered noise model of random wave loads. It is shown how this model can include (1) non-Gaussian wave elevations and...

Tension Leg Platform Response to Drag Forces by Equivalent Stochastic Quadratization
An equivalent stochastic 'quadratization' method is described for performing nonlinear stochastic response analyses of offshore platforms subject to wave and...

Towards Improved Loading Model for Design of Offshore Structures
The study presented in this paper uses geometries of different offshore platforms to quantify the effects of uncertainties in design calculations. The effect of wave directionality and...

Loading Uncertainties in Extreme Waves
Uncertainties associated with extreme base shear forces and extreme overturning moments are estimated for an idealized eight-legged jacket platform. The structure is assumed to respond...

The Concept of the New Waterway Storm Surge Barrier: Reliability as an Integral Part of a Nation's Sea Water Defense System
In the southwest of the Netherlands a storm surge barrier is to be built in the waterway that gives access to the port of Rotterdam. Strict design conditions ensure that only very slight...





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