Lysimeter Use in Water Resources Research in China
The type, structure, development and application of lysimeter in China are reviewed in this paper. The construction and experimental observation of large non-weighing lysimeter in Ranzhuang...

Accuracies of Lysimeter Data Acquisition Systems
Electronic dataloggers are integral parts of most weighing lysimeter systems. Dataloggers supply excitation voltages to lysimeter load cells and measure resulting voltage signals. Resolution...

Estimating Upland Recharge in the Yucca Mountain Area
Field and modeling studies were conducted recently for the Fortymile Canyon watershed and the Rock Valley area near the site of the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca...

Modeling Tertiary Unit Performance in Large Irrigation Systems
Large irrigation systems constructed in the Asian region, deliver water over a wide area with varied agroclimatic conditions and cropping patterns. In order to evaluate the performance...

A Decision Support System for Prediction of Crop Yield, Evapotranspiration, and Irrigation Management
Computer simulation models have been developed which predict growth, development, and yield for grain legumes. These models can be applied for yield prediction as well as water management...

Canal Models and You
Unsteady canal simulation models require serious investments of time and personnel. The reasons for deciding to invest in a model, as well as reasons to not invest, are discussed. Canal...

Numerical Methods Used to Model Unsteady Canal Flow
Investigating the response characteristics of irrigation waer supply and distribution systems is essential if a good design is to be developed. Numerical simulation techniques have been...

Crop Simulation Modeling for On-Farm Irrigation Management
Crop models that estimate crop productivity in response to soil water offer potential for on-farm irrigation management. Useful models must produce accurate estimates of the soil water...

Crop Growth Models in Irrigation Management: Applications and Limitations
Crop growth models can provide helpful input to the complex process of on-farm irrigation decision making. The use of crop models in irrigation management will likely expand due to improved...

Evapotranspiration and Growth Predictions of CERES Maize, Sorghum and Wheat in the Southern High Plains
Daily ET, leaf area index, and dry matter accumulation were predicted using CERES models for maize, sorghum, and winter wheat grown at Bushland, Texas to determine the models'...

Unique Problems in Modeling Irrigation Canals
Irrigation-canal modeling is based on the same unsteady flow equations used for river modeling. However the canal and irrigation environment present several unique simulation problems...

Informed Use and Potential Pitfalls of Canal Models
Numerical models of unsteady flow in canals are used in the design, analysis and operation of irrigation canal systems. Their informed use requires knowledge of the potential pitfalls,...

Canal Model Evaluation and Comparison Criteria
The ASCE Task Committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' was formed to evaluate existing canal unsteady flow models (computer programs) and to...

A Coupled Surface-Water and Ground-Water Model
In areas with dynamic and hydraulically well connected ground-water and surface-water systems, it is desirable that stream-aquifer interaction be simulated with models of equal sophistication...

A New Method for Calculating a Mathematical Expression for Streamflow Recession
An empirical method has been devised to calculate the master recession curve, which is a mathematical expression for streamflow recession during times of negligible direct runoff. The...

Ground Water Modeling Using the Method of Lines (MOL)
The development of robust general purpose numerical algorithms for initial-boundary value ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which use the method of lines (MOL) makes the solution...

Time Scales for Surface-Subsurface Flow Modeling
Traditionally, interactive free surface flow and subsurface flow are analyzed separately, using infiltration rate described by an infiltration formula as the common boundary condition....

Estimation of Ground Cover via Spectral Data
Potato ground cover and spectral data were measured in the Columbia Basin during 1990 growing season. Three spectral models were correlated with ground cover; normalized difference, red...

Crop Canopy Models for Estimating Evapotranspiration from Row Planted Field
To evaluate the consumptive use efficiency of irrigated water, it is useful to estimate the soil surface evaporation component separately from the transpiration component. Interception...

Description and Evaluation of Program CANAL
CANAL was developed in 1987 at Utah State University to perform hydrodynamic computer simulations of canal networks. This paper describes the model and offers opinions on the model's...





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