Cost Assessment of Construction Noise Control
The results of a series of studies have provided noise control engineers with a method to estimate off-site construction noise levels and the cost of reducing these to acceptable levels....

Highway Noise: FHWA Requirements and Barrier Design
Since 1973, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has required noise studies for nearly all proposed roadways and roadway improvements that receive federal aid. An overview of these...

Standardizing Noise Barrier Field Measurements
American National Standards Working Group S12-6 was organized in 1979 to draft a standard for the acoustical measurement of outdoor noise barriers. The current version of the draft standard...

The Noise Mitigation Plan for Stapleton Airport
In March 1984, seven communities in the vicinity of Denver's Stapleton International Airport completed a year-long study of methods to reduce the adverse noise effects from...

Noise Characteristics of Alternative Urban Transit Technologies
The noise characteristics of alternative transit technologies for an urban area are summarized. Among the transportation technologies considered are a busway system, light rail transit...

Summary of the Accomplishments of the Federal Rail Transit Vibration and Noise Control Technology Program
The U. S. Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration and Transportation Systems Center have played an active role in assisting the U. S. rail...

Noise Assessment, Measurement, and Mitigation, an OSHA View
A discussion is presented on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910. 95 General Industry noise exposure standards and the 29 CFR 1926. 52 and 1926. 101 Construction...

Environmental Noise Control for Industrial Facilities
The authors present a brief discussion of the criteria used to evaluate environmental noise control problems. Then, they discuss environmental noise control in the power, petroleum, gas...

Municipal Refuse: Is Burning Best?
Communities are increasingly worried about polluting groundwater, and it is increasingly difficult to get permits to start new landfills. For these reasons, there is a trend back to municipal...

A Road to Recovery
Inspections of the Golden Gate Bridge revealed that the bridge had localized corrosion near its expansion joints, corrosion of its reinforcing steel, and was severely contaminated with...

Mathematical Modeling of Ground Water Flow
Many numerical algorithms for ground water flow models have been published and are available in computer software packages. It is the job of the ground water specialist to select an appropriate...

Simulation of Groundwater Flows in Leaky Multi-Layered Aquifer
A newly developed computational methodology for simulating the groundwater flows in multi-layered aquifer is presented. The model is based on the finite element method following the Galerkin's...

Understanding Land and Water Resource Systems Aided by Graphics on Microcomputers
The inadequate appreciation of relations between causes of contamination and their occurrence applies to professional as well as lay individuals. Therefore, a great deal of effort is invested...

Modeling Contaminant Fate and Transport in Ground Water Systems
Determination of the fate and transport of contaminants in subsurface environments has been aided by recent advances in our understanding of ground water hydrodynamics and subsurface solute...

Two Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Subsurface Contamination by Organic Compounds - A Multiple Approach
In recent years, much attention has been focused on the migration of the soluble portion of an organic contaminant in groundwater systems. Little work, however, has been directed towards...

The National Ground Water Information Center Data Base
The Research Institute, Education Foundation and Publishing Company of the National Water Well Association have long been considered information central for the world's community of hydrogeologists....

Water Data Bank of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the United States of America have jointly undertaken an investigation of the ground-water resources of Northern Jordan. An initial step in the investigation...

Real Time Control of Combined Sewers
After an introduction on the scope of urban drainage and water pollution control problems static solution approaches are shortly described and their disadvantages are lined out. The potential...

Integrated Knowledge-Based Software for Flood and Water Pollution Management
The authors' aim is to develop a comprehensive city-wide system to control both flooding and pollution. This system provides information on the sewer system with regard to:...

Optimal Operation of a System of Lakes for Quality and Quantity
A methodology is presented combining simulation and optimization techniques for determining operation strategies for a system of lakes in the presence of quality and quantity constraints....





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