Perceptions of Architects Regarding Use of Computers and Educational Requirements for Architectural Technicians
This paper identifies those cognitive competencies common to all CAD programs to determine which will best prepare the students for entry-level CAD proficiency and flexibility within the...

Project HAWK?Freshmen on PC-Based Case Studies
The paper discusses an attempt to develop a course introducing freshmen to engineering with special emphasis on engineering faculty interaction. Personal computer use, engineering cases,...

Interactive Aircraft Section Calculations for Drag
Large interactive computer programs are being called upon with increasing frequency for the preliminary and conceptual design of aircraft. One drag component which can be estimated at...

Design of Plastic Piece Parts
This paper describes a computer assisted design process originally developed at the University of Wyoming and now implemented in commercial software. In order to address the need for broadly...

An Intelligent Computer Aided Engineering System
This paper presents two aspects of an intelligent computer aided engineering/intelligent building system (ICAE/IBS) research project, being conducted by the Departments of Electrical &...

A Parallel Partitioning Method for Large-Scale Circuit Simulation
In this paper, we discuss a partitioning method for large-scale circuit in parallel computer simulation. The partitioning method maps the sparse and irregular circuit equations to a special...

Real-Time and Off-Line Aids for Teaching Digital Control
This is a report of unique computer tools developed for teaching of the design of digital control systems at the University of Wyoming. The real-time components of the laboratory involve...

CAD/CAM: Reverse Engineering Applications
The reproduction of parts for which drawings or CAD files are not available has always caused engineering effort to be expended in a non-routine manner. The need for such a reverse engineering...

Frame Based Expert Systems?The Clear Choice for CAPP Systems
This paper gives a brief overview of Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) systems. We attempt to examine some of the representational problems specifically associated with production...

Safety in the Industrial Robot Environment
Safety requirements differ for applications with or without a human interface. The extent of human interface with the robot must be determined. Design of the robot, guarding, access, and...

Interdisciplinary Project-Based Robotics Education
This paper discusses the format of the present nontraditional project-based undergraduate robotics course taught to our senior mechanical engineering (M.E.) students. Students work in...

Manufacturing Development Requires New Graduate-Level Education
Manufacturing engineering education varies widely with different countries. In some it is looked upon as a non-academic subject, while in others a large number of engineers are being trained...

Using a CAM System for Generating Potential Solutions in Machining Processes
This paper presents a software package which was designed to generate potential solutions for producing specific machine shapes as an application of a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)...

LAN Implementation in a Teaching Laboratory for Computer Integrated Manufacturing
The CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) lab at Western Washington University contains a miniature factory with five robotic workcells and eight computers representing various departments...

CIM Education Through Industry/University Collaboration
This paper outlines the strategy of university/industry collaboration adopted by the University of Missouri-Rolla in successfully developing its Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)...

Teaching Computer Numerical Control of Manufacturing Processes
A series of part programming problems assigned to the students are described. These assignments progressively expose the students to manual programming, computer assisted part programming...

Organization of Software Application Areas at The University of Michigan College of Engineering
This paper emphasizes the organizational aspects of bringing workstation use into a wide variety of courses through small interdisciplinary organizations within the College called sectors....

The Implementation of Open System Computing for Centralized and Departmental Requirements in a University Environment
Brigham Young University, and the College of Engineering and Technology in particular, have implemented an open, shared resource computing environment allowing the interconnection of personal...

Implementation of CAE at UDC: A Pioneer Approach
This paper describes the initiation and implementation of Computer Aided Engineering at the department of electrical engineering of the University of the District of Columbia, using state-of-the-art...

An Integrated Network Laboratory for Undergraduate Data Acquisition and Data Processing
The University of Wyoming College of Engineering has recently installed an integrated laboratory of 10 networked personal computers for undergraduate student use. These machines have been...





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