Construction Technology/Method Identification and Selection System
The proliferation of construction technology and the characteristics of technology information, such as complexity, interdependency, etc., pose the need for a well-organized technology...

Resource-Driven Scheduling
As the project management techniques get applied to more and more human resource intensive projects, the topic of more effective resource planning has become one of the major issues in...

Integration of CAD and Material Control
The purpose of this paper is to address the relationship between CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings and the material control software. Computer generated drawings have the ability to...

3-D Positioning for Construction Surveying and Automation
Three-dimensional real-time positioning is a critical requirement to allow for improved surveying and autonomous vehicle control. Given such a system and a project data link, multiple...

Smart Exception Reporting
Project control systems that contain a degree of 'intelligence' are possible with today's technologies. At the same time project controls engineers...

Integrated Cost and Schedule Control Automation
Effective management of construction projects depends on good access to and control of data, especially data pertaining to cost and schedule control functions. Long recognizing the need...

Computer Assisted Claims Management and Preparation for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Interest in improving dispute resolution has risen steadily in recent years. Several U.S. government agencies have begun experimenting with alternative means of dispute resolution, such...

Construction Quality Management
The Resident Management System (RMS) is a microcomputer based quality management and contract administration system designed specifically for resident engineers, by the Los Angeles District,...

A Knowledge Engr. System for Inquiry Feedback P.M.
The Knowledge Engineering Computer System for Inquiry Feedback Project Management was developed to augment existing project control systems by determining possible causes for delays and...

Formation of Droplets from Bursting Bubbles at an Air-Water Interface
The breakup of an air bubble at a still water surface leads to the formation of two distinct droplet families known respectively as film drops and jet drops. The former are the tiny fragments...

Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer on a Moving Drop of Water
The fluid dynamics and mass transfer associated with moving water drops are examined. In the first part, numerical solution of the transient hydrodynamics around and inside a drop falling...

Properties of Small-Scale Waves in Sheared Gas-Liquid Flows
Small wind-generated waves are examined theoretically and experimentally in a small laboratory flow system, at conditions close to neutral stability in an attempt to better characterize...

Surface Renewal Due to Large Flow Structures in Open Channel Flow
It is shown that under certain flow conditions, surface renewal cannot be understood as an exclusive result of the bursting occurring near the wall, as proposed by several authors. Flow...

Turbulent Velocity and Gas Concentration Measurements in the Near-Surface Layer
An experiment was undertaken to study the mechanism of interfacial mass transfer. Near-surface liquid turbulence and oxygen concentration fluctuations have been measured in a grid-stirred...

Development of Method for Measuring Near-Surface Turbulence
New techniques for tracking particles in fluid are presented. A method to make micro-capsules which are filled with pure water and covered with a thin film of polystyrene is developed....

Measurement of Wave-Induced Turbulent Flow Structures Using Digital Image Sequence Analysis
The turbulent flow in water close to the wavy wind-stressed water surface has been examined quantitatively in a large circular wind-water tunnel with a flow visualization method using...

Airborne Remote Sensing of Breaking Waves with Implications for Gas Exchange
It is shown that airborne remote sensing can potentially relate gas mixing effects within a temporally evolving breaking wave to relectivity changes, and can identify the intensity of...

Measurement of Reaeration Coefficient with the Soluble Solids Probe
The results of analytical and experimental studies are presented, showing that the proposed method for indirect determination of gas transfer coefficients at gas-liquid interfaces, based...

Gas Transfer at Hydraulic Structures
The objective of this paper is to identify and briefly summarize the state-of-the-art in measuring and describing gas transfer at hydraulic structures. Basic theory of mass transfer at...

Oxygen Transfer in Turbulent Shear Flows
Oxygen transfer equation for the air-water two-phase aeration region of turbulent shear flow in a vertical pipe is derived. Dimensionless variables significant in characterizing the transfer...





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