Large Mat Foundation Analysis on Expansive Soil
This paper describes a comparison of predicted and observed performance of mat foundations on stiff expansive soil. Foundation performance was predicted using a new computer program BOSEF...
Preliminary Seismic Risk Maps for Puget Sound
Ground shaking during Puget Sound earthquakes is characterized by irregularly shaped areas of high intensity ground motion, not all of which are correlated with soil type. Simulation of...
Seismic Acceleration Maps for Oregon
To evaluate the seismic hazard for the Corps dams in the Portland District, operating basis earthquakes (OBE) and maximum credible earthquakes (MCE) were established for seismic zones...
Systems Model for Water Supply Following Earthquakes
The water supply for San Francisco is described with emphasis on the city's auxiliary water distribution network, which provides fire protection for the most heavily built-up...
Seismic Resistance of an Elevated Water Tank?A Case Study
Current knowledge of earthquake risk and structural response has raised concern about the safety of elevated water storage tanks which were constructed several decades ago. This paper...
Earthquake Risks to Utah Water and Gas Systems
Designed to guide local earthquake hazard reduction programs, this study estimates direct aggregate earthquake damage to Davis and Salt Lake County utilities. For making these loss estimates,...
Seismic Risk Assessment for a Utility System
Presented is a procedure by which a utility could develop the probabilities for different levels of capital loss exposure for its system. The procedure relies on experience data obtained...
Seismic Risk Analysis of LNG Storage Tanks
This paper presents an approach to the seismic safety review of existing LNG storage tanks. The approach considers the seismic hazards from ground motion, surface fault rupture, and soil...
A Case Study of the Behavior of Seaport Facilities During the 1978 Miyagi-Ken-Oki Earthquake
This paper assesses seismic response characteristics of seaport facilities during the 1978 Miyagi-Ken-Oki earthquake by (a) compiling and assessing documented information from post-earthquake...
The Effects of the 1985 Mexico City Earthquake on Underground Water & Sewer Pipelines
The 1985 Mexico City Earthquake left thousands dead and many thousands more without shelter. The visible damage was immense and terrible, and familiar to people around the world through...
Attaching Steel Members to Reinforced Concrete Elements
A variety of structural systems have been devised to strengthen existing buildings for improved seismic resistance. Strengthening methods currently in use for reinforced concrete structures...
Future Containerships from a Ship Owner's Viewpoint
This paper is a presentation of the author's projection of size and design constraints of future containerships. There is a discussion of containers and on-deck container...
A Perspective on Landslide Dams
The most common types of mass movements that form landslide dams are rock and soil slumps and slides; mud, debris, and earth flows: and rock and debris avalanches. The most common initiation...
Landslide Dammed Lakes at Mount St. Helens, Washington
The collapse of the north face of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, and the debris avalanche that resulted blocked outflow from Spirit Lake and Coldwater and South Fork Castle Creeks....
Design and Construction of the Spirit Lake Outlet Tunnel, Mount St. Helens, Washington
In 1982, a governmental task force was formed to evaluate the hazard posed by the blockage of Spirit Lake that resulted from the eruption of Mount St. Helens in May 1980. An analysis was...
The 1983 Landslide Dam at Thistle, Utah
The Thistle, Utah, landslide began rapid movement on April 13, 1983. The landslide, a reactivation of an estimated 22 multiplied by 10**6 m**3 of old landslide debris, blocked Spanish...
Control of Thistle Lake, Utah
In April of 1983, the Thistle slide blocked the flow of the Spanish Fork River and traffic using the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad, U. S. Highway 89, and U. S. Highway 50 and...
Engineering Implications of Impoundment of the Indus River by an Earthquake-Induced Landslide
Historical records and physical evidence indicate that in the Himalayas of northern Pakistan a huge landslide dam was caused by an earthquake in 1840. The dam blocked the Indus River,...
Landslide Damming in the Cordillera of Western Canada
Major landslide dams in the Cordillera are a result of rock slope movements, landslides in stratified Pleistocene deposits, and landslides in till or colluvium in steep mountain watersheds....
Landslide Dams in Japan
Damming of rivers by landslides is common in Japan because widespread unstable slopes and narrow valleys exist in conjunction with frequent hydrologic, volcanic, and seismic landslide...
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