Strengthening Alaskan Beaufort Sea Soils with Portland Cement
Preliminary studies undertaken to assess the feasibility of utilizing gravity structures on soft arctic silts indicate that the available foundation capacity are insufficient. Therefore...
Rowes Wharf: A Case Study in Substructure Innovation
Rowes Wharf is a project with many unique features. This paper has attempted to briefly review just one of these features - Up/Down construction. The willingness of the development team...
Innovative Solutions to the Challenges of Heavy Civil Projects
Each heavy construction project presents unique conditions and challenges. For large projects, the work scope may justify an extensive engineering analysis and significant investments...
Demands for Innovation in Power Construction
This paper identifies some specific demands for innovation on power projects, reviews the alternatives considered to meet project objectives, and describes the resulting innovations. Examples...
Demands and Means for Construction Innovation
Increasing complexity of the facilities owners need, increasing concern by owners regarding the cost effectiveness of investments in constructed facilities, and growing capability and...
What is a Forensic Engineer?
A forensic engineer is one who is concerned with the relationship and application of engineering facts to legal problems. He is an acknowledged expert who investigates construction-related...
Failure Investigations for Forensic Engineering
Failure investigations related to construction Industry is described in detail in the article. A failure investigation is one of the most demanding of engineering undertakings. It requires...
What to Do When a Failure Occurs
When a major building problem involving structural failure occurs, action should begin immediately to determine the damage or failure and detect the underlying problem. This paper will...
Arbitration: A Risky Method for Resolving Disputes
Arbitration has been widely praised as a speedy, 'inexpensive' alternative to litigation for resolving a wide range of disputes, including disputes arising from...
An Historical Perspective of Failures of Civil Engineering Works
The blight of failures has smitten civil engineering works since ancient times. An examination of historic cases reveals relationships to contemporary cases that are useful in guiding...
Failure Classifications
A detailed description of the failure classification with respect to the constructed facilities is presented. Author is of the opinion that most reports of failure even of an extensive...
Data Collection and Information Dissemination: Current Efforts and Challenges
The need for the civil engineering community to collect and disseminate information on failures has been discussed widely. It appears that in recent years our profession's reluctance to...
Construction Insurance: An Alternative Unified Risk Insurance
The transfer of risk mechanism (insurance) can be applied to solve problems unique to the construction environment. The proposed program is worthy of support since all segments of the...
Quality Assurance/Quality Control: Alternative Approaches to Reduce Failures
Efforts to achieve quality on construction projects usually center around code-compliant design, thorough specifications, and careful inspection. The alarming increase in both the frequency...
Sampling and Testing in Stiff Crustal Clays
In desiccated clays, the secondary structure consisting of fissures and slickensides greatly influence the measurement of soil strength. In a sampling study, such soils were found to be...
Mechanics of Crack Propagation in Stiff Clays
Many stiff clays forming part of natural slopes and earth dams exist in the fissured state. When these cracks are subjected to gravity induced normal and shear stresses they may propagate....
A Laboratory Investigation of the Undrained Small Strain Behavior of London Clay
Three different total stress-paths were followed during shearing of the anisotropic consolidated (CAU) tests: compression, extension and a stress-path simulating an element under a plate...
Lateral Pressure in a Stiff Clay
A series of consolidated undrained and drained triaxial tests and oedometer tests were performed on horizontal and vertical specimens taken from an overconsolidated cretaceous clay. An...
Shear Mobilization on Laterally Loaded Shafts
From the results of a pressure cell instrumented rigid shaft embedded in stiff clay and subjected to horizontal static loading the side shear mobilization rate, and its contribution to...
Excavation in Hard Clays of the Keuper Formation
For the construction of a lock on the Main-Danube-Canal in South Germany a 30 m deep cut had to be excavated in the overconsolidated clays and claystones of the Keuper formation. The strength...
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