Insulation Performance Beneath Roads and Airfields in Alaska
Evaluations of the long-term thermal performance of installations in Alaska for frost heave control have included sampling and testing of the insulations to determine the retained thickness,...

Waterfront Stabilization Project, Kaktovik, Alaska
This paper discusses an innovative 384-foot treated-timber cribwall design utilized to control rapidly accelerating thermal erosion and establish a roadway along the bluff on the Beaufort...

Wave Forces on an Arctic Monotower Platform
At offshore lease sites located along the western coast of Alaska, longer periods of open water can be expected. As a result, wave induced hydrodynamic loading will become a more significant...

Legal Concerns in Cold Regions Engineering and Construction
For a variety of reasons the potential for the imposition of liability and the potential for comparatively large damage claims is greater in cold regions. It is the purpose of this paper...

Bearing Capacity Calculations for Piles in Permafrost
Small-scale model piles frozen in various soils were tested at constant rates of displacement and constant load. The derived values were used to calculate the maximum allowable stress...

Upper Delaware River Ice Control?A Case Study
During February 1981 a castastrophic breakup ice jam occurred along a reach of the Delaware River near Port Jervis, NY, causing 14. 5 million in damages. In February 1982 another breakup...

Expert Systems and Engineering Design Knowledge
As in many current AI (Artificial Intelligence) systems, knowledge processing is the most important issue in expert systems. 'Knowledge' in engineering applications...

Expert Opinions and Expert Systems
The inference mechanism in most current expert (rule-based production) systems is based on exact matching of the antecedent or consequent of a rule with a fact or hypothesis. The rule...

Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Preliminary Structural Design
The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) deals with the problems of modeling human intelligence. The application of AI to structural engineering has been limited, but potential applications...

Proposed Operation of an Expert System for Analyzing Construction Project Risks
The principal problem for the construction project manager is selecting the most effective response when project progress deviates undesirably from targeted objectives. Optimally, the...

Finite Element Analysis of Concrete Armor Units Subject to Wave Impact
Concrete armor units are commonly employed for the protection of shorelines and rubble structures. Their design is primarily based on hydrodynamic stability. However, their structural...

Sheet Pile Interlock Behavior: A Moving Contract Problem
The finite element method is used to analyze the behavior of sheet pile interlocks subjected to an uniaxial pull test. The thumb and finger of the interlock provide three contact points...

Broke2: A Program for Broken Wire Analysis
A computer program to study the dynamic behavior of an electric transmission line system when wires suddenly break has been developed by the authors. All three of the line elements: the...

Spring Stiffness for Beam-Column Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems
The objective is to provide a simple means of analytically combining a two-dimensional foundation with a beam-column structure so that the procedure can be used for preliminary design...

Dynamics of Machine Foundation
The art of designing machine foundations, supporting vibratory load has changed from the approximate rule-of-thumb to the scientifically sound engineering procedure. However, the vast...

Microcomputer Program for Bridge Analysis & Rating
The microcomputer software system, BRCOM, for the analysis and rating of bridge superstructures is described. The system consists of ten programs written in UCSD P-System FORTRAN, which...

Interactive Analysis and Design Program for Girder Bridges
An interactive microcomputer program for the analysis, design, and rating of girder bridges is presented. The program, GBRIDGE, is user-friendly, menu-driven, and developed in modular...

Optimal Design of Continuous Prestressed Concrete Girders
Design of continuous prestressed concrete girders with possibility of parabolically varying depth in each span is formulated in the form of a mathematical programming problem. The design...

A Microcomputer CAD System for Seismic Design of Regular Highway Bridges
A microcomputer program to implement the recent seismic design guidelines for highway bridges is described. The methodology was developed by the Applied Technology Council (ATC) and is...

Nonlinear Analysis of External Prestressed Bridges
Finite element formulations for analysis of the overall response of concrete bridge girders prestressed with external tendons is described. The analytical procedure includes several nonlinear...





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