Alyeska Reroutes Trans-Alaska Pipeline at MP 200
This paper discusses the 1985 wintertime repair/reroute to the Trans Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). The rerouted pipe was approximately 4000 feet long and cost approximately 27 million....
Massive Ice Detection by Earth Resistivity
This paper presents two case histories utilizing remote sensing earth resistivity equipment to target subsurface massive ice locations. In one case, a number of probe locations were made...
Performance Study of the Lagoon at Inuvik, N.W.T.
Since 1957, Inuvik's sewage has been discharged into a lagoon situated northwest of the townsite. In 1982 the lagoon was upgraded to a two-stage system. Two primary cells...
Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Requirements in Cold Regions: Case Study?City of Whitehorse
This paper describes a method available for evaluating sewage treatment requirements in cold regions. The City of Whitehorse wastewater management situation has been used as an example...
Wastewater Plant Cold Weather Operational Problems
A questionnaire survey was conducted at biological wastewater treatment facilities in northern New England. Problems associated with various unit processes, due to cold weather operations,...
Repair Welding of Arctic Offshore Structures and Vessels
This paper describes the welding procedure development for repair or field modifications of offshore drilling structures and vessels made with several different steel grades produced for...
Finite Element Modelling of Cold Regions Concreting
Finite element heat transfer computer programs are discussed in regard to their use in modelling cold weather concreting. The concrete material properties required for input to the finite...
F.E.M. Analysis of Mobile Arctic Caisson Island With Stochastic Material Properties
The paper examines how soil uncertainty influences the short term settlements and stresses of the Mobile Arctic Caisson on the original sea bed. Utilizing a two-dimensional plane strain...
Arctic Stream Scour: A Case History
A small arctic stream on the North Slope of Alaska was monitored through one hydrologic cycle. The flow rate of the stream and the progress of its erosion through a breach into an adjacent...
Geomembrane Liner Performance in the Arctic
A geomembrane liner must be selected not only on the basis of its chemical compatibility with the substance to be contained, but also on the basis of its physical performance characteristics...
The Effect of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems on Disease Patterns on Manitoba Indian Reserves
This study examines the links between water supply and sanitation and health on Indian reserves in Manitoba. Health data on water related diseases were obtained from health care agencies....
Developing a Community Water System for Shishmaref, Alaska
This paper discusses a unique water supply system for the City of Shishmaref, a moderately sized Alaska Native community on Sarichef Island in the Chukchi Sea. A three million gallon reservoir...
Frazil Ice Problems in Intakes at Montreal
Intakes located in reaches of the St. Lawrence River that stay open all winter can be subjected to frazil ice formation for nearly three months. The City of Montreal intake is a key example...
Coal Mining in Alaska's Interior: Problems and Solutions
The Usibelli Coal Mine located in Healy, Alaska is currently the largest operating coal mine in the state of Alaska. The mine has recently increased production to nearly 1. 7 million tons...
Geotechnical investigation: Cominco's Red Dog Mine Facilities
The siting of major facilities associated with development of the Red Dog Mine Complex in Northwestern Alaska on relatively warm permafrost soil and rock presented geotechnical engineers...
Permafrost: A Suitable Landfill Containment Barrier
Ice-rich permafrost is a suitable medium for the containment of wastes. The combination of frigid dry Arctic climate and the impermeability of ice-cemented permanently frozen ground can...
Effluent Dispersion Measurements Under Sea Ice
Field measurements of the dispersion of effluent from the Seawater Treatment Plant (STP) at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, were made during April 1985. The primary objective was to determine whether...
The Transport of Crude Oil Under Saline Ice
A mathematical model was developed to describe the forces acting on an oil slick under saline ice in the presence of a water current. The model was verified through a set of laboratory...
Moisture Effects on Extruded Polystyrene Insulation
The amount of moisture within the insulation was determined by carefully weighing each sample and then measuring its volume. Two methods of measuring thermal conductivity were used. The...
The Evolution of a Factory Insulated Piping System
This paper reviews the developments over the past fifteen years in a factory insulated high density polyethylene piping system that has become a standard for sewage and water piping systems...
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