Control of Construction Equipment Processes
Transportation projects have long involved some of the most equipment-intensive field construction operations. They are already benefitting from automation in concrete batch plants, slip-form...

Microcomputers in Construction Management
The availability of low cost microcomputers provides the construction engineer an opportunity to exploit the use of computer technology. This paper discusses the answers to six questions...

Applications of Microcomputers for Bridge Design
This paper examines the role of microcomputers in the design divisions of state departments of transportation, specifically in bridge design applications. Consideration is given primarily...

Funding Streets as a Public Utility
A group of public works professionals in Washington State met in 1982 to explore using the public utility approach to street and transportation system funding. Since that time several...

Automated People Movers for Urban Revitalization and Development
The paper summarizes the major technologic features of Automated People Movers, (APM) including Personal Rapid Transit versus Group Rapid Transit concepts, active versus passive vehicles,...

Infrastructure: Can We Renew It??Should We Renew It?
The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is in the midst of a major capital program designed to reverse its trend of disinvestment. This program is funded at 8. 5 billion...

Hawaii's H-3 Highway: Is It Time to Say Enough for the Environment?
If we engineers are to provide the infrastructure to meet our Nation's growth needs in an efficient and timely manner, changes need to be made to our environmental laws and...

Safety as a Prime Consideration
Designs in the 1980's have a multitude of parameters from environmental, noise, aesthetics, planners, community groups, political influence and last but not least, legal/liability...

Automated People Movers
Engineering and Management in Major Activity Centers
The high levels of interest currently being shown by a number of cities and special land uses indicates that automated people movers (APM) have established a secure position on the spectrum...

Tunneling a Bridge
Linking an addition to the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta required a pedestrian tunnel through a railroad embankment 100 ft wide and 40 ft high, with no disruption of train service...

Rail Planning�Texas Style
The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Authority has a 25 year plan to build a 147 mile rail network�all without federal funds. When DART hits its 2010 target date for completing the rail...

Greater Compatibility in Highway Safety
There is a pressing need to improve communication, cooperation, and coordination among the disciplines involved in highway safety. The challenge is to improve, if not perfect, the exchange...

EMS & Highway Safety: Together We Can Save a Life
The various elements of the highway safety program share several common goals and objectives. Timely achievement of these goals will require a cooperative and, at times, interdependent...

Effective Communications in Highway Safety Programs
The problem of creating a safe environment for the users of our highway system has been with us almost since the invention of the motor vehicle. Generally accepted throughout the field...

Communication?A Common Vision
It is imperative that lines of communication remain open between those who represent the 'state of the art' in safety. The common goal of these interrelated disciplines...

Human Factors: The Problem with the Problem
Human behavior in the highway transportation system is prone to error and has basic limitations. It is modifiable within those basic limits. Most often we focus attention on the behavior...

Microcomputer Applications Within the Urban Transportation Environment
The advent of microcomputer systems has created an opportunity to enhance the productivity and efficiency of transportation operations through improved decision-making capability. The...

Highway Safety Forum
Advancing Road Transportation Safety Through Better Communication and Cooperation Among the Disciplines
Safe travel on our streets and highways has long received ample attention. However, there remains a relatively unexplored area within this subject. This area is communication between the...

Transportation '85
Abstract only. The abstracts are presented of the papers presented at the 16 Sessions of the Conference, Transportation 85. The papers relate to the following session topics: CAD (ADS,...

Peer Review: A Management Tool for Public Sector Projects
If done correctly, peer review can be an effective tool in managing public sector projects by reducing costs through careful weighing of design alternatives by experts in the field. The...





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