Stochastic Modelling of Groundwater Flow at the WIPP Site
A stochastic approach to modelling the groundwater flow in the vicinity of the WIPP site in New Mexico is described. A geostatistical model of the transmissivity of the Culebra dolomite...

A Computer Model for Multiplant Hydroelectric System Simulation
An interactive computer model of a multi-plant hydrothermal electric power generating system has been developed that roughly captures the main features of the British Columbia Hydro system....

Use of Flood Control Features for Environmental Mitigation
The US Army Engineer District, Vicksburg (CELMK), plans to construct up to 167 water control structures, 52 confined disposal facilities, and 47 barrow pits as part of a major flood control...

Biological Modeling in the Columbia Basin: An Organized Approach to Dealing with Uncertainty
Development of the Columbia River basin has had a profound impact on its natural resources, particularly species of Pacific Salmon. Passage of the Northwest Power Act of 1980 put in motion...

Managing Snake River Operations for Juvenile Salmon Migration
A simulation model of Snake River hydrology and water management institutions has been developed. The model was used to investigate management changes to enhance flow conditions for migrating...

Hydro Models and Salmon Recovery in the Northwest
Hydro regulation models provide extensive support for analyzing the efficacy of salmon recovery plans in the Northwest. Power planners developed these computer programs to help plan and...

Multiobjective Models for Determining Fresh Water Inflows to Bays and Estuaries
This paper presents two formulations of multiobjective models for the estuary management problem that are based on goal programming procedures. The multiobjectives are selected to be minimum...

City of Federal Way Panther Lake Surface Water Study?A Case Study of HSPF Modelling in Urban Detention Basins
This paper presents a case study of using Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) as a tool for sizing large urban detention facilities. The Panther Lake drainage basin is a textbook...

Water Quality Model of the Chicago Waterway
In 1992, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (the District) developed a QUAL2E water quality model of the Chicago waterway and Upper Illinois waterway. The model...

Simulation of Water Quality Processes in the Chicago Waterway and Upper Illinois River Systems
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency QUAL2E-UNCAS (QUAL2EU) computer program was used to simulate the water quality processes in the Chicago waterway and Upper Illinois River Systems....

Optimization of Operations?The Manitoba Hydro Experience
As part of a decision support system, Manitoba Hydro implemented a comprehensive optimization model for operations planning in the mid 1980's (Barritt-Flatt and Cormie 1991). Since that...

Geographic Information System Application: Water Right Places of Use as Polygon Attributes
A Geographic Information System (GIS) was tested for potential use as a water resource management tool by application to a ground water study area. Because of the limitations of the particular...

Computerized Data Processing and Geographic Information Systems Applications for Development of a 3-Dimensional Groundwater Flow Model
A 3-dimensional numerical groundwater flow model was developed for a 100 square mile area located in the Santa Clara Valley, California. The model development relied upon data base and...

Hydrologic Forecasting?What are the Issues?
The paper briefly describes hydrologic forecasting techniques that are being used today and raises issues that should be addressed as new hydrologic forecast systems are developed and...

Using Forecasts to Improve Reservoir Operations
This review considers methodologies that have or can be employed to incorporate streamflow forecasts into reservoir policies and operating decisions. These include the use of streamflow...

The Development and Use of Policy Statements in River Simulation Models
There are a number of ways in which the physical operation of a river system can be expressed in simulation models. Most of the earlier simulation models have incorporated the operating...

The Law of the River: Policy Expression
The need to accurately represent the law of the Colorado river has heretofore precluded the use of any general purpose river basin simulation model. In order to overcome the inflexibility...

Advanced Decision Support Systems for Environmental Simulation Modeling
Some new computer approaches for integrating simulation models into water-quality management and planning are described. A system for integrating models, databases and decision-support...

Solute Transport Modeling under Unsteady Flow Regimes: An Application of the Modular Modeling System
Many existing solute transport codes rely on the assumption of steady (i.e. time-invariant) flow. This assumption severely limits such models, as accurate simulations often require realistic...

Object-oriented River System Simulation
This paper describes an object-oriented approach to river basin simulation modeling that is event driven rather than time driven as in most river system simulation models. At the heart...





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