Subsidence by Rising and Fluctuating Ground Water
Present studies by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation in California indicate that under certain geologic conditions similar subsidence can also be caused by rising ground-water levels, which...

Deferred Drainage?Prudent Policy or Tactical Folly?
The practice of deferring drains has not always worked out as planned. This is particularly true of large outlet drains such as the San Luis Drain in the Central Valley of California and...

Relative Landslide Susceptibility in Davis County, Utah?A Multivariate Approach
The complex distribution of soil properties makes prediction of slope stability extremely difficult in these mountain watersheds. The need to assess these watersheds for their susceptibility...

Generalized Methodology for Simulating Mudflows
In this paper, a one-dimensional dynamic flood-routing model, for non-Newtonian fluid properties, is described and applied to two different mudflow events: Holbrook Canyon, Utah, and Mount...

A GIS to Predict Non-Point Source Pollution Potential
The non-point pollution potential of agricultural lands was analyzed using a geographic, computer based system. Bacterial pollution received special emphasis. The system accepts digitally...

Gully Incision Prediction on Reclaimed Slopes
An investigation was conducted to estimate the potential of gully intrusion into reclaimed waste impoundments. A series of eight reclaimed impoundments exhibiting gully intrusions were...

Coupling Free Vortex Energy Dissipation with Sediment Control
The paper reports on studies showing that sediment control down to the abrasive limit of 30 micron sand and energy dissipation can be achieved simultaneously with a Teacup free vortex...

Behavior of Sediment-Laden Plumes on Steep Slopes
The near field behavior of dense, sediment-laden flows on steep slopes was investigated as part of a study of mine tailings disposal. A literature review indicated that field and laboratory...

Stochastic Design of Wastewater Storage Ponds
The authors combine the principle of mass conservation with basic ideas from probability theory and then apply Monte Carlo simulation techniques to develop a family of design charts called...

Making Water System Rehabilitation Decisions
Making decisions regarding water distribution systems has always involved a great deal of judgment due to the complexity of the decisions involved. This paper presents a framework for...

An Experimental Study on the Effect of Wastewater Application in Dry Wells and Its Impact on Groundwater
A study was conducted in order to gather accurate information on the effectiveness of dry wells for use in wastewater disposal and the effect of such disposal practice on groundwater....

Investigating and Treating Chromium in Ground Water at a Wood Treater in California
A wood treating facility, operating for more than five years without required permits, contaminated soil and ground water on and offsite. The company moved slowly in response to enforcement...

Remedial Action Alternatives for Groundwater Contamination
Preliminary remedial action alternatives are formulated for a site contaminated by heavy metals. The results of soils and hydrogeologic investigations are summarized and three corrective...

Remote Sensing Applications in the Model of Runoff Formation in Excess of Storage
The model of runoff formation in excess of storage applied in some humid regions of China is revised in this paper, so that the model can adopt the information provided by Landsat remote...

Mixed Solute Interactions in Groundwater Systems
Research results are presented from a study examining the competitive sorption effects of two organic chemicals, para-dichlorobenzene and 2,4-dichlorophenol, to solids from the Cohansey...

Water Erosion from Irrigation?An Overview
Erosion and sedimentation by water includes the process of detachment, movement, and deposition of soil particles (14). Under irrigated conditions, the erosive process is water flowing...

Effects of Erosion on Soil Productivity
Erosion-caused crop production decreases up to 50% have been measured with decreases of 15 to 30% commonly reported. Furrow erosion on irrigated land redistributes topsoil, decreasing...

Erosion and Sedimentation Processes in Irrigation
Soil erosion occurs when fluid in motion detaches and transports soil particles. Sedimentation occurs when the fluid transport capacity decreases. Both the hydraulic forces of moving water...

Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control in Irrigated Agriculture
Basin irrigating rice can reduce suspended sediment loads in water because the basins serve as sediment retention basins. Furrow erosion causes significant suspended sediment loads in...

Model for Optimal-Risk Based Water Distribution Network Design
Various models using a variety of optimization techniques were developed for determining pipe diameters, network layout, pump capacities, and other design parameters. The objective function...





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