Modeling of Microbially Active Soil Columns
A soil-based microbial treatment process for on-site treatement of hazardous industrial wastewaters has been developed. The indigenous microflora of the soil are supplemented by the addition...

Digital Simulation of Flows in Hawaiian Soils
In attempting to numerically solve the nonlinear equation for flows in porous media, the Galerkin process, which bears a great similarity to direct methods of the calculus of variations,...

Allowable Metal Contaminant Levels in Landfilled Sludge
Disposal of municipal sludges in dedicated sanitary landfills can be environmentally acceptable. Contaminants within the sludge present the potential for public health risks but these...

Dried Sludge for Fertilizer
Dried sewage sludge has been used as a fertilizer material for several decades in the United States. While sludge drying and fertilizer production is normally more costly than other municipal...

Research Needs in Land Application of Sludge?Hydrologic Effects of Soil-Sludge Interaction
The effects of wastewater sludge amendment on subsurface and surface flow regimes is discussed. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research on hydrologic effects of soil-sludge...

Nitrate Analysis Utilizing Groundwater Modeling
Groundwater is the sole source of potable water for the Town of Barnstable, Massachusetts. It is, therefore, of paramount importance to maintain the overall quality within acceptable drinking...

Enhanced Mobility of Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds in Soil Systems
The objective of this study was to determine adsorption isotherms for polynuclear aromatic (PNA) compounds in methanol and a mixture of 50 percent methanol 50 percent water. The adsorption...

Modeling Aromatic Compound Transport in Groundwater
Research results are presented from an ongoing study directed at obtaining a better understanding of the factors affecting the binding characteristics of organic chemicals to ground water...

Groundwater Studies for Land Treatment Facility
A wastewater treatment facility currently under construction in Falmouth, Massachusetts, features a dual disposal method for land application of effluent. As the effluent disposal site...

Impoundment Design for Precious Metal Tailings
An engineering study and design of impoundments for the disposal of mill tailings in central Nevada is presented. Mill process waste is generated as flotation tailings and cyanide residue....

Land Treatment of API Separator Sludge
An extensive research project was undertaken to establish design and operational guidelines for treatment of oily sludge using land treatment systems. Forty-five test plots were established...

Land Treatment of Refinery Wastes
The authors discuss: waste characteristics; land treatment; and cost comparison with incineration....

Arsenic Contamination of Private Potable Wells
The results of a series of water testing programs of private residential wells in Pepperell, Massachusetts showed that of 301 wells tested, approximately 12 percent exhibited arsenic levels...

Metal Contamination of Sludge by Water Supply Systems
The authors present a cursory review of the source of metals in sewage sludge and an analysis of limited sludge metal data and drinking water data that supports the hypothesis that a water...

Denver's Dual Utilization Sludge Management Plan
The Metropolitan Denver Sewage Disposal District No. 1 (District) has adopted a Dual Utilization approach to sludge management. This technique uses composting during periods of inclement...

Transport of Halogenated Organics in Saturated Groundwater Flow: Theoretical and Experimental Results
This paper presents the development of a mathematical model to describe transport of organic chemicals in saturated soil columns and compares model predictions to experimental results....

Solubility of Aromat6ic Solutes and Sorption onto Soil in Polar Solvent/Water Systems
An investigation was performed to evaluate the solubility and sorption of aromatic solutes onto soil from an aqueous phase containing polar solvent. This work relates to the evaluation...

Uncertainty in Unsaturated Zone Pollutant Transport
The portion of a pollutant spill transported to an underlying aquifer is uncertain due to the stochastic nature of precipitation and uncertainty in the geochemical properties of the contaminant...

Cultivation of Christmas Trees Using Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater
This investigation was initiated to identify benefits and limitations associated with application of reclaimed domestic wastewater to a crop of improved Virginia pine christmas trees....

Innovations in Army Treatment of Remote Site Wastes
The U. S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) is currently evaluating new methods for waste treatment at remote sites which will eliminate or mitigate problems...





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