Need for Long-Term Planning for Dredged Material Containment
The biological, chemical and physical integrity of our nations waters are protected, in part, by the provisions of the Clean Water Act. This Act provided for the development of guidelines...

Surface Runoff Water Quality from Contaminated Dredged Material Placed Upland
Bioassay and associated tests have been developed and are being refined to assist in the evaluation of the environmental impact of dredged material disposal alternatives. Simulated rainfall-surface...

Evaluating the Water Quality Significance of Dredged Sediments
In the mid-1970s, the Corps of Engineers and the US EPA developed several laboratory evaluation procedures, the elutriate test, bioassay/toxicity tests, and bioconcentration tests, to...

Seasonal Restrictions on Bucket Dredging Operations
Seasonal restrictions are sometimes imposed on bucket dredging operations in response to concerns for potential impacts of sediment resuspension on various biological resources. The available...

Linear Programs for Dredging Management Decisions
Recurrent economic concerns facing decision makers in the dredging industry are considered. Problems related to contract bidding, project planning and resource utilization are formulated...

Design of Monroe Harbor, MI Confined Disposal Facility
Confined disposal of polluted maintenance dredgings in the Great Lakes was authorized due to the 'closed system' nature of the receiving waters. Each harbor judged...

Regulation: The Unsolved Dilemma
Over the years, the impact of governmental regulatory agencies has severely restricted industrial and commercial development in southern New Jersey. Recent Federal reviews of these regulations...

Dredging in a Stratified Estuary
Grays Harbor is a moderately stratified estuary on the Washington coast. During the summer of 1983, while hopper dredges worked the upper reaches of the estuary, extensive water quality...

Sediment Resuspension Due to Dredging and Storms: An Analogous Pair
The physics of resuspension is represented by the response of the sediment to an applied stress, either dredging operations or storm winds. In either case, once the sediments are mixed...

A Comparison of Seven Lake Dredging Projects
Over the past decade, dredging has been increasingly recognized as one method for restoring some of the country's numerous eutrophic lakes. While certainly not appropriate...

Practicality of Advance Maintenance: Savannah Harbor
Advance maintenance of navigation channels can involve deepening, widening, side slope dredging, or a combination of these. Because advance maintenance in Savannah Harbor has only involved...

Alternative Upland Disposal Techniques for Dredged Material in Urban Areas
The project involves the dredging and disposal of 750,000 cubic yards of soft organic silts from a 32 mile long manmade Canal that tranverses through Central New Jersey and is known as...

Modeling of Estuarial Hydrodynamics and Water Quality
The estuary is perhaps the most complex environmental system with which the analyst must deal. Driven largely by tides and hydrologic fluxes, its hydromechanical behavior is further modified...

Decision Analysis of Coal Ash Disposal Technology
Coal-fired power plants produce a number of solid waste streams in the course of their operation. These coal combustion by-products (CCBPs) are composed of fly ash, bottom ash and boiler...

CN Approach to Water Budgets for Small Watersheds
In some states, issuance of a surface mining permit is dependent upon an assessment of the current hydrologic baseline of the area to be mined and of the probable future impacts of mining...

Simple Hydrologic Modeling
Several simple models for estimating precipitation and evapotranspiration from a limited data base are discussed. Rainfall probabilities may be calculated from mean monthly rainfall. Depth-duration-frequencies...

Realistic Hydrology for Basin Management
Several realistic yet simple methods to describe infiltration, soil moisture redistribution, aquifer recharge, canal seepage and stream-aquifer interaction in a river basin are presented...

Mathematical Modeling of River Ice Process
Computer modeling of flow and ice conditions in a river is an important element in the planning of water resources project in northern regions. River ice processes are closely related...

A Quantitative Assessment of Surface Water Resources for Coal Slurry Pipelines Originating in Southwest Virginia
In view of the high streamflow variability, preliminary quantitative assessment was made of the capacity requirements and low-flow frequency characteristics of offstream reservoirs needed...

Planning a Resource-Compatible Low Head Waterpower Development
Responsible development of waterpower potential is a significant aspect of comprehensive water resource planning. Recent interest in small scale hydro projects has generated concern among...





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