A Numerical Model of Water Movement Through Clay Liners
Regulations controlling landfill design typically specify design details such as a minimum liner thickness, maximum permeability of required gradation curves for the clay liner material....

Present Status of Research in Debris Flow Modeling
A viable rheological model should consist of both a time-independent part and a time-dependent part. A generalized viscoplastic fluid model that has both parts as well as two major rheological...

Modeling Aquifer Sensitivity and Leachate Controls
This paper investigates the transport of waste leachate from a leaky containment facility using the computer model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion in Ground Water developed...

Lake Water Level and Sediment Management?Case Studies in Illinois
Estimation of the sedimentation in the lake is based on the soil erosion rates in the watershed, the sediment transport in the stream system, and lake trap efficiency. Erosion rates are...

Exfiltration Trench Design as Part of a Stormwater Management Plan
The paper discusses a program structured to assist the design consultant or the agency reviewer by means of a menu driven format. A flood routing microcomputer program developed by the...

Overtopping of Small Dams?An Alternative for Dam Safety
A research effort was initiated in 1983 by the Bureau of Reclamation to gain insight in the development of cost-effective modifications to small embankment dams which would enable them...

Embankment Overtopping
Embankment overtopping and dam safety are major concerns of civil engineering and the general public. Very little is known about overtopping events and much less has been published or...

An Infiltration Based Runoff Model For Use With a Design Store
The feasibility of using an infiltration approach for routine runoff prediction has become a reality with the development of approximate infiltration models based on physical principles...

Landfill Liner Hydraulics for Microcomputers
Two different models are presented for the study of sloping bottom liners for landfills. The first is based on the assumption that the leachate volume is uniformly distributed over the...

Incorporating 3-D Effects into a 2-D Model
Some three-dimensional (3-D) effects may be incorporated into vertically averaged two-dimensional models. This is demonstrated with a case study where the effects of a complex system of...

Automated Measurement of Soil/Water Properties
An automated data-acquisition system was constructed to permit continuous operation of laboratory equipment. The apparatus was used to monitor flow through fine-grained, 'undisturbed'...

Analytic Solution for Seepage from Saturated Soil Behind a Braced Wall
The locations of streamlines and equipotentials for two-dimensional flow in the vertical plane normal to a vertical retaining wall can be determined by various methods. Recent extension...

Development of a Practical Method Simulating Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in Soils
Many ground-water modeling studies can be performed on currently available microcomputers. The greatest problem associated with the proliferation of ground-water modeling software for...

Ground-water Modeling on Small Computers: Past, Present, and Future
The paper reports on research that concerns the possible development of numerical models being able to simulate practical cases of Oil Spill Migration (OSPIM) in soils. Such models can...

Unique Considerations in the Detroit DPM Foundation Design
Foundation design for the guideway of Detroit's Downtown People Mover (DPM) was influenced by a variety of unique considerations. Severe loading conditions were created by...

Can We Save the Ogallala?
The useful life of the Ogallala Aquifer, which underlies seven western states, can be extended indefinitely through water conservation in the widest sense of the term. In addition to optimization...

Type C Fly Ash and Clay Stabilization
Because the soils onsite have a high swell potential, a 37 foot high retaining wall was designed with counterforts and was supported by pier foundations to limestone. In order to reduce...

Tensile Fracture and Fatigue of Cement Stabilized Soil
Portland cement stabilized soil is widely used as a base material for roads, airfields, and similar structures. Cracking in this material is studied using fracture mechanics concepts....

Soft Ground Tunneling of the Greenbelt Tunnels
Mergentime/Loram's contract for the construction of Section E-1d Greenbelt Route Tunnels includes construction of dual 1,770-foot tunnels in soft ground, a crossover structure,...

Flint Tunnel?A Project of Change and Challenge
The talk will deal with construction of a 12' diameter (8. 5' finished) tunnel in the City of Flint, Michigan. This 5-mile long sewer tunnel was constructed through...





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