Wilderness Hydrometeorological Study in the Colorado River Basin: A Case Study in Natural Resource Conflict Resolution
This paper describes the formation and progress of the Interagency Committee on Wilderness Hydrometeorological Data Collection (ICWHDC). It highlights how the ICWHDC is attempting to resolve...
Oxygenation of Releases from Richard B. Russell Dam
In July 1972, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources requested the formation of a technical committee to analyze the water quality matters relating to the Russell project. Studies...
Gas Bubble Disease in Trout Below a Low Dam
Research and efforts to reduce nitrogen supersaturation which is affecting trout in the Bighorn River, Montana, below Yellowtail Afterbay Dam is described. Nitrogen supersaturation can...
Study of River Stage Fluctuations Resulting from Possible Operations of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project
Operation of the project to follow load may result in discharge and river stage fluctuations which could affect habitats and fish food sources. Limitations on hourly, daily, and weekly...
Fish Studies for a Small Hydroplant in Michigan
The Morrow Lake hydroelectric project is a new facility which is scheduled to become operational in August 1985. A study has been developed consisting of two main parts: Potential change...
Simulation of the Pit 3, 4 and 5 Hydroelectric Project Using the USFWS Instream Temperature Model
The Pit River in Shasta County, California, is the site of the Pit 3, 4, and 5 Project (Project). A two-year Bald Eagle and Fish Study was initiated in March 1983. As part of the overall...
Preventing Fish Mortality at a Large Pumped Storage Plant
A field study program was initiated at the Truman Project to obtain a better understanding of which fish species in the tailrace area would be most susceptible to turbine passage, determine...
Fish Screens for Hydropower Developments
The paper reviews five screening systems that are now being used at hydropower developments. The screen types discussed have a demonstrated ability to meet agency fish screening criteria....
Assessment of Probable Fishery Impacts of Hydroelectric Development at Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement), Mississippi River
Early coordination with affected Federal and state agencies allowed completion of an Environmental Assessment for a hydroelectric plant proposed for Lock and Dam No. 26 (Replacement)....
Real Time Information Systems for Improved Port Operations
The technology to make appropriate measurements and to forecast conditions for short intervals is available today. Simple collection, analysis and dissemination systems are within the...
Salmon Restoration: Blessing, Bane or Boondoggle?
The 'strategic' plans for the Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program were examined to determine what the strategy of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is for this...
Galt Energy's Inverted Siphon System
Galt Energy Systems' involvement with attempting to standardize the civil component began with studies at small remote sites in Northern Ontario. The system design evolved...
Hydropower Contract Conditions for Civil Engineering Works
Norwegian types of contract documents for hydropower construction work - especially the underground parts - have long had the reputation of being flexible as opposed to the traditionally...
Design and Construction of Paute Project, Ecuador
The Paute Project is a key element in Ecuador's program for developing a modern electric power system. When fully developed, it will consist of three separate developments:...
Capacity Planning of Decentralized Small-Scale Hydro Power Plants
Some simple and efficient models are proposed to determine the optimal capacity and the expected energy generation of a decentralized small-scale hydro plant. Both the supply of an isolated...
U.S.-China's Cooperation in Unified Resource Development
This paper reports on activities between China and the United States involving exchange of technical expertise and project development. The paper focuses on how unified resource development...
The Global Outlook for Additional Hydropower Use
The present installed capacity of hydropower, worldwide, is nearly 400,000 megawatts which provides approximately 25 percent of the electricity generated. Extensive studies of the 86-Nation...
HydroMAX; Computerized Hydropower Scheduling
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is currently using the HydroMAX Program to schedule daily hydropower operations for the 17 stations in the 11,250 square mile Connecticut River Basin....
Interactive Simulation of Hydropower Systems
This paper describes a new educational technology that has proven extremely effective in introducing both technical and lay persons to the operational principles, management alternatives,...
A New Generation of Standard Francis Spiral Turbines
A new generation of standardized Francis spiral case turbines has been developed by Voith. The high performance has been achieved through employment of the most recent hydraulic designs...
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