Prospects for Hydroelectric Power Development at Corps of Engineer Dams
There are two basic approaches to developing hydroelectric power facilities at Corps dams. The Corps can develop projects at the request of Congress through the authorization process....
The Pacific Northwest Hydropower Data Base Study
The Hydropower Data Base is presently a functional tool for evaluating hydropower in the Northwest. It is a complete system which has been implemented using a variety of crosschecks and...
Phased Pumped Storage Planning and Site Evaluation
A phase process of site evaluation provides for an efficient use of resources while supporting the necessary level of detailed investigation. This paper describes the phased siting process...
The Corps of Engineers' New Hydropower Manual
The Corps of Engineers has recently completed a new Engineering Manual (EM), which outlines procedures used for the evaluation of hydropower projects. It will serve as the basic Corps...
The Contribution of Local Area Management Teams Under Severe Environmental Conditions
This paper outlines a Westinghouse managed turnkey hydro electric project located in remote southwestern Wyoming near Kemmerer. The dam provides watershed control for the Hams Fork River,...
Friant Power Project: Design and Construction?Non-Federal Power at a Reclamation Facility
Friant Dam, Millerton Reservoir, provides the principal water supply for the Friant Division Central Valley Project of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau). The dam is a 319-foot high...
Construction of Yellowtail Dam & Power Plant 63-65
The Yellowtail Unit of the Missouri River Basin project is located on the Bighorn River in south central Montana. The key feature of the unit is Yellowtail Dam which rises 525 ft. between...
Roller Compacted Concrete and Tunnel Boring Machines?Two Tools for Designers and Planners
Two tools that have come into use fairly recently are roller compacted concrete and tunnel boring machines. These new tools can significantly affect the ability to make new projects cost...
The Sand Bar Hydroelectric Project: A Case History
The Sand Bar project's major features include a reinforced concrete intake structure; 3. 5 miles of twelve foot diameter hard rock tunnel; a reinforced concrete powerhouse...
World's Largest SF6 Gas-Insulated Substation
The Itaipu hydroelectric powerplant is located on the Parana river which forms the border between Brazil and Paraguay. It will be the world's largest powerplant with an installed...
The Paerau Gorge Multipurpose Scheme
The Paerau Gorge Power Scheme is part of a multipurpose scheme supplying irrigation water and electricity to the Central Otago region of the South Island of New Zealand. This paper describes...
The Sultan River Hydroelectric Project
It took almost 70 years and required over 100 separate local, state and federal permits, but in June 1984, development of the Sultan River was finally completed for the multi-purpose use...
The Hrauneyjafoss Hydroelectric Project in Iceland
The Hrauneyjafoss Hydroelectric Project located in south central Iceland about 100 miles east of Reykjavik was constructed during 1978 to 1982. A maximum gross head of 295 feet is developed...
Micro PAT-Synchronous Generator Unit for Isolated Power Supply at Sultan Project Dam
The paper describes a unique application of a micro-PAT Unit installation utilizing downstream release flows for providing an isolated power supply at the Jackson (Sultan) dam in Washington...
Retrofitting Outlet Works of Existing Dams for Hydropower
This paper deals with three small hydroelectric plants installed at existing dams in California with moderately high heads (about 200 feet). In each case there was an overriding need to...
Power Development at Buffalo Bill Dam
Buffalo Bill Dam is on the Shoshone River in northwestern Wyoming near the city of Cody. The dam is a 325-foot-high concrete arch facility with a crest length of 200 feet. The dam was...
Grand Coulee Pumping/Generating Plant
The paper discusses the Grand Coulee Project history, including a brief review of landmark dates and events. Major general features of the Project are covered, including civil works, mechanical...
Economic factors of Hydro Plants Versus Fossil Plants for Load Frequency Control
The purpose of this study was to determine whether hydro plants with Francis turbines or fossil plants are more economical for load frequency control. Using data from the Tennessee Valley...
Methodology for Optimization of Cascade Small Hydro
An accurate classification of small hydro sites is introduced. Class 'C' small hydro developments utilize favourable topographical and hydraulic gradients along...
Economic Analysis of Hydroelectric Projects
This paper deals with specifics and refinements that develop 'rules of thumb' for analysis of hydro projects. The authors' experience is on sites...
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