Pricing Armor Rock for Rubble Mound Breakwaters
The pricing of armor rock by breakwater contractors is an inexact exercise. Each breakwater project is so site specific that standard costing methods are difficult to apply. The wide range...

Quarry Techniques for Dimensional Breakwater Stone
On the Texas Gulf Coast, there has evolved a unique design for breakwater and jetty structures. The Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the designer of these structures,...

Some Case Histories of Armor Stone Production
The blasting techniques used to produce armor stone, derrick stone, and underlayer stone [one to twenty tons] for the construction of rubblemound breakwalls and the confined Dike Disposal...

Recent Experience With Armor Stone Cracking in the Buffalo District
Accelerated deterioration of large armor stone on the Cleveland East Breakwater, Cleveland, Ohio has resulted in the need for more intensive monitoring of the entire armor stone production...

The 1984 Major Rehab of the Muskegon Harbor, MI South Breakwater: An Extreme Example of Misguided Design of a Stone Structure
It can be inferred from the Shore Protection Manual that the stability of any coastal structure is increased in proportion to the weights of the armorstones. The south breakwater at Muskegon...

RCC for Rehabilitation of Dams in the USA-An Overview
The use of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) has rapidly become a powerful new tool in the USA for engineers involved with the rehabilitation of existing dams. Starting in 1980, RCC has...

Roller Compacted Concrete Tailing Retention Dam
A roller compacted concrete (RCC) dam has been designed for gold tailing impoundment in southeast Alaska. To minimize up front capital costs, the curved gravity dam with multiple outlet...

Santa Cruz Dam Modification
Santa Cruz Dam was the first concrete arch dam in the United States to be modified using an roller compacted concrete (RCC) buttress. Innovative techniques included forming the stepped...

Roller Compacted Concrete III
This proceedings, Roller Compacted Concrete III, includes papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference held in San Diego, California on...

Coastal Geomorphology and Sand Budgets Applied to Beach Nourishment
It is commonly assumed beach nourishment projects are more successful if applied over long distances of shoreline. Short projects tend to unravel at the ends as the bulge formed by the...

Hampton, New Hampshire: Beach Nourishment Project
An ongoing program of beach nourishment at Hampton Beach, Hampton, New Hampshire is a success and has resulted in long term use of a recreational facility at one of the most popular resorts...

Beach Nourishment with Aragonite and Tuned Structures
The first full-scale use in the United States of imported aragonite sand for beach restoration was undertaken at Fisher Island, Florida, between December 1990 and April 1991. About 20,000...

Sea Defence System at Herne Bay, England
This paper reviews the investigations carried out into the design of the proposed now sea defences fronting the central area of Herne Bay on the North kent coast. The existing defences...

Monitoring of the 1988 Boca Raton Beach Nourishment Project
During July and August of 1988, approximately 843,000 cm of sand was placed along a 2.3-km stretch of beach in Boca Raton, Florida. Post-cosntruction monitoring of the beach nourishment...

Gravel Equilibrium Beach Design for Arresting Shore Erosion at Flathead Lake, Montana
Erosion of the north shore of Flathead Lake, Montana, is caused by summer wind waves generated along a 22-mile fetch. The preferred method for arresting erosion there is a beach composed...

An Overview of Segmented Offshore/Headland Breakwater Projects Constructed by the Buffalo District
Since 1977 the Buffalo District has constructed three segmented offshore breakwater projects and currently has one under construction. In addition, the District has recently completed...

Field Monitoring of a Modular Detached Breakwater System
A pair of modular concrete detached breakwaters was installed at a site on the New Jersey shore. This paper describes an eighteen month field monitoring program of the beach response to...

Bay Ridge, Anne Arundel County, Maryland Offshore Breakwater and Beach Fill Design
Construction of the Bay Ridge shoreline protection project was completed in July 1991 and consists of eleven offshore segmented breakwaters with beach fill. The breakwaters, located about...

Design of Protective Dunes at Dam Neck, Virginia
Dunes act as a primary coastal defense against inundation in the Netherlands and the Dutch Government has devoted considerable effort towards development of reliable procedures for the...

Articulating Block Mat Revetment for Whaler's Village
The desire of homeowners to live along the California coastline presents the engineer with many unique design opportunities and constraints. Housing built atop coastal cliffs and bluffs...





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