Artificially Varied Flow: River System Management
Some of the major water quality problems are heat, color, organic sediment, and total dissolved solids. To dilute these and other pollutants, substantial augmentation of flows for water...

LTER and Management of the Upper Mississippi River
The Upper Mississippi River is managed for multiple use by two federal agencies and five states. System management objectives include commercial navigation, commercial fisheries, minimum...

Reservoir Management for Improved Water Quality
In 1981, the City of Akron, Ohio initiated a multidisciplinary study to develop a reservoir management plan for its 3 reservoirs in the upper Cuyahoga River basin. The City sought possible...

Effects of Resource Development on Water Quality in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Tennessee and Kentucky
The South Fork Cumberland River begins in Tennessee at the confluence of the New River and Clear Fork. Strip mining for coal in the New River basin has been ongoing for decades with little...

Saline Water Disposal from a Coal Bed Methane Recovery Well Field
A conceptual engineering approach for low cost management of production water from coal bed methane recovery wells is presented. The approach is applicable for production water that contains...

Recreational Freshwater Embayment Design for Acceptable Water Quality
Combined field and laboratory studies were used to relate water quality, geometry, and exchange characteristics in reservoir swim embayments. Water surface fluctuations in reservoirs are...

Water Supply Supplemented by Airport Storm Runoff
The quality of natural and induced storm water runoff from Oahu's Honolulu International Airport (HIA) and four outer island airports in Hawaii was evaluated for water supply...

Water Resources at the Utah Water Research Laboratory
The research staff comes from a wide spectrum of water science and engineering specialties. The authors address such diverse topics as hydraulic testing, erosion studies, and water quality...

Current Research in Hydraulics at the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
Ongoing activities in hydraulics research at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station are described. The various areas in which research is under way are enumerated. Activities...

Goals and Objectives in Design of Detention Outlets
Goals are the broad general purposes of the detention pond and its outlet works. A typical goal for a detention pond would be to help manage storm runoff so as to maintain historic conditions...

Design and Operation of Pipeline Control Systems
More and more of the time of the engineer involved in the design and construction of a pipeline project is devoted to problems relating to the control systems to operate and monitor the...

Checking Out Computer Programs
Instead of reading through program listings, the authors propose that you check out computer programs by acquiring and evaluating the program's user documentation, evaluating...

Jordans Precast Airport
The design and construction of the New Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan required extensive innovation and site adaptation to integrate international standards with the...

Asphalt: Great Expectations
A $50 million, five year research program has been proposed for research into asphalt as part of the larger ($150 million) Strategic Transportation Research Study (STRS). The research...

A Standard for the Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in Clean Water
This standard was developed to measure the rate of oxygen transfer from diffused gas and mechanical oxygenation devices to water. The standard is applicable to laboratory scale oxygenation...

Superplasticized Concrete Takes Off in Dallas
Some engineers are calling superplasticized concrete the most important advance in concrete technology in over three decades. Over the past four years superplasticized concrete has begun...

The Third Wave in Water Quality Management
In the 1970's there was great pressure to clean up water-polluting discharges no matter what the cost. Now in the tight-budget 1980s, there is a vigorous search for more cost-effective...

Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the 1983 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering was to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of...

Advances in Irrigation and Drainage
Surviving External Pressures
This collection of papers, presented at the 1983 ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Specialty Conference held in Jackson, Wyoming, July 20-22, 1983, cover a variety of topics related to irrigation...

Methods of Ice Control
Ice control is the practice of holding ice in place or directing its growth and movement. Methods of ice control in navigable waters including locks are presented. Ice carried downstream...





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