A Study of Friction Factor for Flow in Gravel Bed Channels
For many years practicing engineers have faced the problem of predicting the resistance to flow in channels with rough surface. Flow in channel is a complex interaction between surface...

Diffuser Design for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations require that the discharge of toxic pollutants to the waters of the United States be controlled. These regulatory requirements have made...

Modeling of Dispersion in Natural Streams with Pools and Riffles
The non-Fickian nature of the dispersion process in natural channels with pools and riffles has been investigated through both laboratory experiments and the numerical solution of a proposed...

Circulation Patterns Within the Near-Shore Region of the Southern Basin of Lake Michigan
The southwestern basin of Lake Michigan has been subject to extreme stresses because of its close proximity to large populations. A knowledge of the current patterns within this zone would...

Verification of WASURO Using the Puerto Nuevo Physical Model Study Results
The Jacksonville District, US Army Corps of Engineers, used the hydraulic design computer modeling program, WASURO, for preliminary design of the Rio Puerto Nuevo Flood Control System....

Combined Application of HEC-1 and HEC-2 Simulation Models in Dike Safety Analysis
The potential flood impact of a breach in a dike for a large spreading-area on a nearby waste storage facility was investigated. An HEC-1 model was used for generating breach hydrographs...

Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in a Small Urban Watershed
Knights Branch watershed is located in Dallas, Texas, and it covers an area of about 5 mi2 (13 km2). Due to...

Model Studies on Local Scour
In this investigation, the scaling procedure of a scour model in the laboratory has been indicated. The results have been compared with the prototype data....

Fluid Mud Problems in Lakes, Reservoirs and Detention Ponds
An experimental study of wind induced surfacing of fluid mud bottoms in shallow water has been conducted. The experiments involved a channel placed within a wind tunnel, where a two-layered,...

Effect of Manning's Roughness Coefficient in Simulating Flow Parameters in Natural Channels
Manning's roughness coefficients are presented for three of the oldest and largest irrigation canals in Egypt. The discharges ranges from 35 to 318 m3/s....

Animation of Automated Space Construction
This paper presents a discussion of Three-Dimensional Computer Animation as applied to the evaluation of Lunar/Mars construction. A number of applications for this type of tool are introduced....

Construction and Robotics: Problems and Solutions
The role of robotics in construction, and the role played by construction engineers (CE's) is placed in perspective. Robot development, like machine manufacture, has always...

Productivity Applications: 3D Models & Simulation
Background. Although three-dimensional computer models have been used to some degree in practice by a few large engineering and construction firms, there has been little research into...

Computer Assisted Design and Construction
This paper presents a comprehensive package for conducting structural analysis, design, and project management on microcomputers. Several examples are presented to illustrate the usefulness...

Graphical Database for Construction Planning and Cost Control
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation is using Computer Aided Construction (CAC) System that integrated construction planning with estimate development, schedule generation,...

The Role of Scheduling in Computer Integrated Construction
Engineering and construction firms are showing a growing interest in computer integrated construction because they recognize the increased productivity and quality that can be obtained...

Project Controls for Denver International Airport
Managing a $2 billion dollar construction program requires a unique application of tried and true control systems and provides an opportunity to innovate new methods. The Program utilizes...

A Framework for Reasoning About CAD Data
A system capable of reasoning about CAD data offers the opportunity to substantially improve a design or a construction plan by providing feedback about an engineer's artifact. This paper...

Integration of CAD and Knowledge-Based Systems?An AI Architecture
This research focuses on the use of CAD-KBSs integration as a tool for increasing constructability in design and accomplishing construction management functions. Beyond the drafting ability,...

Reasoning for Data Integration
Improving the inter-disciplinary communication of design and construction data is an important objective in improving the competitiveness of our construction industry. This paper discusses...





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