Estimation of Bed Material Transport Capacity
A procedure is presented which combines several computational components for the estimation of bed material transport capacity in alluvial channels. Bed load transport is estimated through...

Vapor Phase Biofiltration for Removal of VOCs
The selection of an appropriate packing material for the biofiltration process is an important factor in the removal of contaminants from vapor phase. This study evaluates two different...

Aquifer Transmissivity Computations Based on Data from Pump-and-Treat Facilities
Contamination from petroleum hydrocarbons spilled from USTs is a concern in urban areas that depend on shallow unconfined aquifers for their water supply. Studies on the transmissivity...

Recover Inorganic Solids from Obsolete Propellants
A feasible process was developed to recover inorganic solids (energetics and metallic fuel) from obsolete polyurethane-based propellants in order to solve their associated long-term disposal...

Bridge Hydraulic and Scour Analysis Using FESWMS-2DH
Stream crossings are usually designed to satisfy all engineering and enviromnental constraints at the lowest possible cost. As a result, roadway approach embankments leading to bridge...

Whither Nuclear Waste Disposal?A 50th Anniversary View
The world recently observed the 50th anniversary of the first use of the atomic bomb. Thus major sources of nuclear wastes, from defense and power generation, have been around for slightly...

Mixing Influences on Cement-Based Waste Forms
High-shear, medium-shear, and low-shear mixing tests were conducted on paste and paste + fly-ash mixes: The specimens, cured for 28-days, were tested for free water generation, compressive...

Biopolymers for Geotechnical Applications
A number of bacteria, e.g., Alcaligenes eutrophus, have been employed to produce large amounts of intracellular polyester, poly-?-hydroxy butyrate...

New Block Copolymers for Membrane Materials
New fluorine containing polymer materials, which contain n-fluoro octylacrylate (pFOA) or n-fluorooctylmethylacrylate (pFOMA) repeating units, are being explored for use in thin film composite...

Climate Variability Impact on the Water Resources of Ancient Andean Civilizations
The great ancient empires of South America used corporate irrigated agriculture with centralized control to help hold far-flung domains together. The Inca empire, larger in area than that...

Engineering Aspects of Wetland Mitigation
Wetland mitigation demands a multi-disciplinary engineering approach, and a systematic collection, evaluation and analysis of data. The design of a constructed wetland addresses these...

Studies on the Erosion of a Compacted Soil
In the management of water there are certain applications in which compacted soil is used (i.e., dams, embankments, levees, spiliways, and channels). Engineers rely primarily on field...

Experiences in Cleaning Up the Influence of Oil Spill on the Water Bodies
Experiences in cleaning up the influence of oil spill on water bodies of Komi Republic (European part of Russian North) and Dagestan Republic (North Caucasus) was generalized. In both...

Selection of Sediment Transport Relations: Part II, Ranges of Dimensionless Numbers
With a large number of sediment transport equations claiming to be applicable within various ranges of hydraulic and sediment parameters, engineers are often faced with the dilemma of...

Selection of Sediment Transport Relations Part III: Numerical Ranking of Sediment Transport Relations
The emphasis of this paper is the methodology for the selection of sediment transport relations and is applicable for analysis of any sediment transport relation. However, to illustrate...

Field Measurements of Streambed Scour at Bridge Piers in Ohio
Field measurements made from 1989 to 1994 were evaluated to characterize pier scour at 21 bridge sites in Ohio. Pier scour was observed at sites in 45 of 47 real-time scour measurements....

Protecting Dredged Material Containment Levees along the Houston Ship Channel
This paper describes the background, selection, installation, and performance of the three-dimensional woven geotextile used for erosion protection along 122 meters (400 feet) of levee...

How to Manage Floodwaves in the Dutch Meuse: Future Measures to Reduce the Inconvenience of Inundations
This study showed that in the Gravelmeuse the combination of nature development and reducing of inundation inconvenience is possible. In the framework of the obliged supply of a fixed...

Industry Standards for Erosion Control Products�Future Tools for Civil Engineers
In 1990, the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) formed a Cooperative Standards Program (CSP), directed by the IECA Committee on Standards. The purpose of the CSP is to develop...

Channel Restoration of Incising, Mixed Grain Size Streams: Lessons Learned
Aquatic habitat restoration in incising sand and gravel bed streams disturbed by channelization and other human interventions has received little study. These channel systems are characterized...





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