Structural Aerodynamics (Available only in Focus on Structures Special Edition)
One of the most strikingly ambitious public buildings in France, county governmental headquarters in Marseille, achieves the status of world-class architecture largely through its structural...

Rock `N' Roll in Cleveland
A glass tent, a cylinder perched on a single column, a collection of squares, rectangles, triangles and circles were amassed in and around a 167 ft tall tower by architect I.M. Pei to...

Accessing Atlantic City
Construction of the 2.2 million sq ft Atlantic City Convention Center is well under way. With 486,000 sq ft of exhibition space, the center and accompanying rail terminal could help restore...

A User's Guide to Federal Architect
Engineer Contracts
The User's Guide to Architect-Engineer Contracts explores the process of selecting architect-engineer firms to perform design...

Solving the Innovation Puzzle
Challenges Facing the U.S. Design & Construction Industry
This book provides a first-hand perspective of innovation in the design and construction industry. Solving the Innovation Puzzle outlines the...

Oil Spills: Prevention, Prediction, and Preparation
This paper summarizes some of the state and federal rules, assessment techniques, and response procedures being used by marine terminals along coastal California to prevent, predict, and...

Risk Analysis of Drinking Water Treatment and Supply Facilities Handling Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Due to increasing public concern of risks from handling highly hazardous chemicals at various facilities, a number of state regulatory agencies, including the State of California, have...

Health Risk Sensitivity to Variable and Uncertain Parameters
A methodology is presented that attempts to quantify the effects of individual variability and parameter uncertainty in a groundwater-driven health risk assessment. Two modeling approaches...

The Management and Policies of the BECC
The purpose of the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) is to help preserve, protect, and enhance the environment of the border region in order to advance the well-being of...

Public Attitudes, Behavior, and the Willingness to Sacrifice to Mitigate Uncertain Adversity: Water Management Implications for Climate Change
Although several scholars have touted the emergence of a new environmentalism, many Americans seem to make decisions that do not reflect green thinking. Examples include driving more miles...

Flood Control Studies for Arizona Communities
Severe flooding in the winter of 1992/1993 produced severe flooding across the State of Arizona. Damages were widespread and significant. Total public and private damages are estimated...

Management of Contaminated Groundwater Using Natural Attenuation
Many state and federal regulations governing remediation of contaminated groundwater give preference to the implementation of remedial alternatives which are capable of providing protection...

The South Bay Ocean Outfall
For more than 60 years, raw sewage has flowed down the hills of Tijuana, Mexico into the Tijuana River, crossing the U.S.-Mexican border. The sewage contaminates the low-lying river valley...

Combined Flood Hazard Mitigation Techniques for Comprehensive Planning? The Saugus River Coastal Flood Risk Reduction Plan
The development of an alternative Coastal Flood Risic Reduction Plan for the Saugus River was initiated by the Executive Office of Environinental Affairs (EOEA) of Massachusetts in April...

Sanata Ana River Project Environmental Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
The National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) was first enacted in. 1969, and became effective as of January 1, 1970. The law was intended to ensure that balanced decision-making occurs...

A Framework for Sanitation and Health Risk Assessment
This paper summarizes some historical, cultural, and operational responses to risk. Zero risk and zero pollution ideas developed as arguably escapist reactions to stresses of economic,...

Preparation of Notification Models Using Continuous Modeling Techniques
Public health departments in many states now require that operators of collection systems notify them of discharges from combined sewer systems soon after these events occur. This allows...

Bacterial and Chemical Pollution of Littoral Waters of Lake Ohrid at Pogradec?Town Area
The Pogradec shore waters exceed these bacteriological standards and provide risks to the public health. The levels of the chemical indexes clearly show the influence of organic pollution....

San Diego County Water Authority's Emergency Storage Project: A Major Planning Achievement
The San Diego County Water Authority (Authority) has been actively working to maximize the security of the future water needs of the community it serves. The Emergency Storage Project...

The Standley Lake Protection Project
Until recently, there has been no physical separation between potentially contaminated runoff from the former Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant and Standley Lake, the nearby water supply...





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