Coastal Erosion Analysis of the Belle Fontaine Area, Jackson County, Mississippi
The Belle Fontaine area contains the only remaining natural beach on the mainland Mississippi shoreline. The fine to medium-grained sand beach is the result of erosion and retreat of the...

Historical Shoreline Analysis of the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Historical shoreline positions of the Mississippi mainland coast and the barrier islands were digitized for four periods of time. USGS T-sheets provided control for the 1850's, 1917, and...

Sand Losses from an Artificially Nourished Beach Stabilized by Groynes
Norderney is one of the East Frisian barrier Islands in Germany. Severe dune erosion jeopardized the settlement and neccessitated the use of seawalls and groynes after 1850. Even though...

Holding a Shorelind with a Buried Revetment
Two shoreline modification projects were designed that use a new application of an old idea to provide erosion protection and improve shoreline access and aesthetics. The innovation consists...

Incremental Influence of Shore Structures Determined Using a Shoreline Change Model
Shore erosion at Ogden Dunes, Indiana, is thought to be caused by shore structures making up the Burns International Harbor complex, located on the southern shore of Lake Michigan. Long-term...

Calculating Erosion Rates: Using Long-Term Data to Increase Data Confidence
Computer cartographic techniques were used to produce historical shoreline change maps for two study areas: (1) an eight kilometer section of Calvert County, Maryland; and (2) an eight...

Assessing Coastal Bluff Erosion Along the Oregon Coast Using Available Materials
This pilot study was initiated by Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industry (DOGAMI) in an effort to determine erosion rates applicable to the coastal bluffs of Oregon's shoreline....

Shoreline Erosional/Depositional Patterns in Oman
This paper presents a brief synopsis of the physical setting and geomorphology of the Oman coast, emphasizing the areas with the most dramatic erosional/depositional eyeless. Eighty-three...

Wave-Induced Erosion on a Tidal Marsh Shoreline in Corte Madera Bay
One of the primary factors controlling the formation and configuration of a shoreline is the interaction of waves with the shore. A monitoring program was set up at the Corte Madera Ecological...

Monitoring the Impacts of a Coastal Protection Structure on La Guira Bay, Tobago
In the mid 1980s the Trinidad and Tobago Government embarked on a tourism development thrust centered around the island of Tobago. A key feature of this thrust involved extending the Crown...

An Overview of Louisiana's 1991-92 Christmas Tree-Brush Fence Program
A project to alleviate coastal land loss in Louisiana through the construction of sediment-trap fencing using recycled Christmas trees is described. It has been demonstrated that Christmas...

A Classification of the Coastal Dunes of Louisiana
The aeolian deposits of the barrier coastlines of Louisiana to the west of the active delta of the Mississippi have been studied intensively for almost 20 years. The dunes, dune terraces...

Impacts of Winter Storms on Sediment Transport Within the Terrebonne Bay Marsh Complex
Winter storms provide important controls on erosion and deposition in coastal Louisiana. An unanswered question of the Louisiana land loss problem is how these storms impact sediment flux...

A Method for Classifying Land Loss by Geomorphology and Process
There is great debate as to the causes of land loss in Louisiana and the restoration/preservation solutions that should be implemented. Much of the controversy can be attributed to a lack...

Shoreline Changes Along the North Yucat?n Coast
The north Yucatan coast in the vicinity of Progreso, consisting of a multiple beach ridge barrier complex backed by a wetland-fringed lagoon, has undergone many changes since the late...

Bioengineering Methods to Establish Salt Marsh on Dredged Material
Erosion is a substantial problem on many shorelines of the Galveston Bay complex, as well as other bays of the Gulf of Mexico. Erosion can be prevented by structural measures such as riprap...

Bank Erosion at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
The Aransas National Wildlife Refuge has been experiencing problems with the erosion along the banks of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. In order to prevent future erosion it is necessary...

Dauphin Island, Alabama Beaches: Real Decisions in the Real World
The beaches are important present-day concerns at Dauphin Island, Alabama. Several steps have recently been taken to address beach management problems. One, a group of local, state, and...

Coastal Erosion and Sea Level Rise: Residents' and Local Officials' Response
Recent concern about the possibility of the sea rising due to the warming of the atmosphere and the resultant melting of the polar ice caps has prompted attention to the question of how...

Coastal Protection Efforts: A Comparison of the Rhine Delta and the Mississippi Delta
The coastal protection efforts are compared in the Mississippi Delta and the Rhine Delta Although the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana is sometimes referred to as the 'Holland of North America'...





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